Popular AI Algorithms and Learning Techniques Mimic The Human Brain

Bindu Reddy
Abacus.AI Blog (Formerly RealityEngines.AI)
1 min readSep 18, 2019


In the 1940s and the 1950s, a group of scientists began to believe that humans can create an electronic brain. The term “AI” was coined at a workshop at Dartmouth, in 1956. At that time, many researchers believed that a machine as intelligent as a human being could be created within a generation :). Deep Learning was invented in 1943! Two researches proposed a computer model based on the neural networks on the brain.

Now over 75 years later, Deep Learning is all the rage! AI researchers have invented different types of learning techniques and a lot of them are modeled after the human brain.

This talk discusses how today’s algorithms mimic the human brain. While algorithms can do some fascinating things, we are still ages away from what the brain can do…Interestingly, key functions of the human brain can be explained using Bayesian Theory, where the brain is assumed to be a high-throughput and low latency prediction machine. More details in the talk below!

Presented at the AI innovation summit



Bindu Reddy
Abacus.AI Blog (Formerly RealityEngines.AI)

AI/ML research start-up founder & CEO, ex-GM for AI verticals at AWS, entrepreneur and ex-Googler. Passionate about artificial intelligence and human behavior