Effective Stakeholder Communication

Sovet Safguluzada
ABB Innovation
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2023

As a product owner, one of your primary responsibilities is to manage communication with stakeholders. Stakeholders are people or organizations who are impacted by or have an interest in our product. Examples of stakeholders include our customers, employees, shareholders, and users.

Effective communication with stakeholders is crucial for the success of our product because it helps to ensure that all stakeholders are informed, engaged, and aligned with our product vision and roadmap. Effective communication with stakeholders also helps us to establish trust and credibility, which are vital for maintaining a positive working relationship with stakeholders.

So, how can we effectively manage stakeholder communication as a product owner? Here are some tips and examples:

1. Identify your stakeholders: The first step in managing stakeholder communication is to identify who your stakeholders are and understand their needs, expectations, and level of influence on the product.

For example, if you are the product owner for a new mobile app, your stakeholders may include customers, the development team, investors, and support staff. It is important to identify each of these groups and understand their specific needs and expectations for the app.

Example of the stakeholders

2. Set clear communication goals: To effectively manage stakeholder communication, it is important to set clear communication goals before you begin. Consider what you want to achieve through your communication, such as informing stakeholders about the progress of the product or gathering their feedback on a specific issue.

For example, as the product owner for a new web page for the company, your communication goal might be to inform stakeholders about the progress of the development and gather their feedback on the app’s user interface. Having clear communication goals will help you focus your message and make it more effective.

3. Use the right communication channels: There are many different ways to communicate with stakeholders, such as email, phone, in-person meetings, and online platforms. Choose the channel that is most appropriate for the message you want to convey and the audience you are targeting.

For example, if you are the product owner for a new banking app, you may use email to send regular updates to customers, a customer support hotline for users to call with questions or issues, in-person meetings with investors or the development team, and online platforms like Slack to communicate with the development team in real-time. Selecting the appropriate communication channels for stakeholders ensures that messaging is both effective and reaches the intended audience.

4. Be transparent and honest: Stakeholders appreciate transparency and honesty, especially when things are unplanned. If you face any challenges or setbacks, be prepared for them and provide stakeholders with an explicit explanation and plan for how you intend to address them.

Transparency and honesty are the only way to build a relationship of trust. Without trust, there is no foundation for a successful partnership.

For example, if you are the product owner for a new e-commerce platform and you encounter delays in development due to unexpected challenges, it is important to be transparent and honest with your stakeholders about the situation. You may communicate with your stakeholders via email or an in-person meeting to let them know about the delays and the steps you are taking to address them.

5. Engage stakeholders regularly: Regular communication is key to maintaining a good relationship with stakeholders. It could involve weekly or monthly updates, depending on your stakeholders’ demands and the product development phase.

For example, if you are the product owner for a new banking app and you want to engage stakeholders regularly to maintain a good relationship with them, you may use a combination of different communication channels and frequencies to reach your audience effectively.

Email updates: You may send weekly or monthly updates to stakeholders via email, including progress reports, any important announcements about the app, and any issues or challenges that have arisen. This is a good option for reaching a large audience quickly and efficiently.

In-person meetings: You may schedule in-person meetings with key stakeholders, such as investors or the development team, to discuss the progress of the project and address any specific concerns they may have. These meetings could be held on a monthly, in every sprint or quarterly basis, depending on the needs of your stakeholders and approach of the company.

Online platforms: You may use online platforms, such as Slack or a project management tool, to communicate with the development team in real-time and share updates, files, and other relevant information. This is a good option for teams that need to collaborate on the project and for stakeholders who want to stay informed about the project on a daily basis.

By following these tips, you can effectively manage stakeholder communication as a product owner and ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged in the development of your product.

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Sovet Safguluzada
ABB Innovation

Experienced product owner and business analyst with a strong IT background and over 2 years of experience in product development and Agile.