Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2017


Innovative Productivity Tool Abby Announces Launch Offering an App and Install Free way to Track and Improve Performance

Finding ways to improve productivity is something that’s never far from many individual and team’s minds. Stepping up to help in a very dramatic way is Abby, a new productivity tracking bot that takes an innovative approach to helping user’s become more effective through weekday chats without requiring any downloads, logins or installs of any kind.

Life is full of challenges and demands, where even small increases in performance by an individual or team can lead to dramatic results. While there’s been many attempts to help in this area most have either been too intrusive or difficult to follow and apply. Answering the call for for a more effective solution is the new productivity tracking app Abby. Abby recently celebrated their launch, offering a daily chat-based service that tracks performance and points to where improvements can be made, often delivering very remarkable results quickly and smoothly.

The service is currently compatible with Skype, Messenger and Microsoft Teams, using the chat features of these popular platforms to message users and ask them some simple questions about their day. The user answers via chat and is then able to access the Abby dashboard and see stats on their productivity in easy to read and follow graphs. This makes it clear where and how their performance can be improved, often revealing performance weaknesses that otherwise go unnoticed.

Abby is free for individuals with a Team version on the way, which will be a subscription product.

Early feedback from users of Abby has been very positive across the board.

Michael S., from Boston, recently said in a five star review, “I’m an internet based marketer and how much money I make every week is greatly influenced by my daily productivity. I’ve tried a few things to help, but none really impressed. A colleague suggested I give Abby a shot and I’m very glad I did. The chat-based vehicle for Abby is brilliant and their dashboard is easy to follow and pull actionable information from. I’ve been applying what Abby has shown me and I can already see a big difference in performance, which means more money coming in. Fully recommended.”

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