Biker Church: An unconventional house of God

The word of God is delivered in a thoroughly unconventional way at Mount Gambier’s new chapter of the Longriders Christian Motorcycle Club.

ABC News
ABC News Australia


Story and photos by Kate Hill

On a hot Sunday morning, motorbikes roar down the gravel driveway of a lot in Mount Gambier’s east one by one, lifting a cloud of dust as they pass junked cars and shipping containers.

Stripping off helmets and heavy leathers, everyone greets each other by nicknames — Stretch, Clevo and Bullet.

Biker Church is on at the newest chapter of the Longriders Christian Motorcycle Club (CMC) in South Australia, and everyone is welcome, no matter their background or baggage.

For those used to pews, conventions and tradition, this monthly service might be somewhat of a revelation.

The Longriders “church” has an enormous bar dominating the room. The overwhelming colour is black. There is no pulpit, but there is a pot belly stove.

The only cross on display is a wrought iron number flanked by a motorbike model and a pair of stuffed fornicating cane toads.

It is a house of God for those who do not feel they belong in a mainstream church.

You need two things to become a member of the Longriders CMC — a motorbike and a belief in God, and Mount Gambier chapter president Darryl Mulders has strong opinions on both.

He has done ministry training, but he is far from your average minister.

“When I was a young bloke, as a young bikie back in the 80s, living as a bikie was freedom,” begins the 52-year-old to the group of men and women sitting on lounges and perched on barstools.

“But it wasn’t really freedom, because we were still hung up. We had hang-ups about who we were and what we were doing.

“But when someone accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, the freedom comes from that, and as we go on in Christianity, more and more freedom comes.”

Communion is taken. The blood of Christ — or in this case, cranberry juice — is delivered on a tray of plastic shot glasses.

An old friend of Mr Mulders’ has been invited as guest speaker today — Adelaide’s Kevin Dales, who says he does not blame anyone for not wanting to go to church.

“I’m not here to push Christianity to you. I’m here to present it to you,” he tells the group.

“You can do what you like with it.

“I walked away from church when I was a young fella, because I told my dad, I said ‘If that’s God, I’m finished, I’m going out to earn a quid’.”

He said he returned in his later years because he realised God was not responsible for what went on in churches.

“Not every church is bad, just like not every mechanic is bad,” he said, to laughs from one or two men.

“God turned me around.”

Ladies of Longriders

The origins of the Longriders CMC stretches back to the 1980s, at a time when the God Squad and Brotherhood CMCs reigned supreme in the Christian biker scene.

Chapters of the Longriders CMC were established in Melbourne and Adelaide in 1989, and later in New South Wales and Murray Bridge.

While Biker Church is open to everyone and women form an important part of club life and events, membership of Longriders CMC is for men only.

That fact sits fine with Mount Gambier nurse Michelle Jenner, wife of nominee member Darren, who describes herself as a “fair-weather rider”.

“Everyone needs their own space,” said Trudy Mulders, married to Mr Mulders for 22 years.

“It’s a very family-oriented club. It’s very inclusive.”

Ms Jenner said the Longriders church experience was vastly different to one she remembered being “dragged along” to as a young girl with her three sisters.

“The pressure of sitting on pews in a church, on time, being dressed to the nines on a Sunday, this is just much more relaxing,” she said.

“It’s a total turnaround. We have good banter, have a drink and be social, but still be mindful that our presence here is because we all have that same faith.”

For Ms Mulders, there is a vast difference between religion and Christianity.

“With religion, it’s all ‘You must, you must, you must’,” she said.

“With Christianity, I believe it’s just freedom to make your own choices, but with those choices comes consequences.”

“It can look a bit messy at times,” Ms Mulders laughs. “But Jesus is still here.”

You can call me Bullet

“You’ve got to earn your respect here,” said Mark ‘Bullet’ Slavin, one of three current nominees, each under the wing of one of the club’s eight official members.

“You start off in the social club, do a few rides and hang around the guys a bit. If it looks like you’re going to fit in, they accept you into the club as a brother.”

Mr Slavin admits he was not sure about becoming a member at first, but now he is loving being part of the club.

“At first you just think it’s a group of guys, like Apex or Lions Club, but it’s not. There’s more commitment. The more you put in, the more you are respected. It’s unreal,” he said.

On Sunday, Mr Slavin rides a Triumph, which a mate bought for him, but in his shed at home lies his pride and joy, a rare BMW R1200C.

But there is a problem — a bright yellow BMW does not quite fit in with the Longriders pack of black Harleys and Triumphs, so Mr Slavin said he had “archived” it.

Mr Slavin said his daily ride was like meditation.

“I’ve been riding since I was 6 years old. Some people love to walk or run. All your stress, it’s just gone. I suppose it’s a lazy way of exercising really,” he said.

In a world dominated by media reports of the activities of outlaw motorcycle gangs, Mr Slavin said there was a common perception that all bikers were one and the same.

“People think we’re all bikies and we’re all criminals. But we’re not. We’ve all grown up here and we’ve all got respected jobs and we’re part of the community,” he said.

The good deeds of Longriders members often fly under the radar, but one recent event demonstrated what the bunch of bikers was capable of.

Last year, the club organised a dice run for young Mount Gambier man Luke Popovich, who was battling a rare form of cancer, inviting all bike and classic car owners for a road ride, a roll of the dice and fundraising.

Sadly, Luke never got to go on the run, passing away just days before. The event raised more than $6,000 for his family.

The death of a brother

One of the defining moments of Mr Mulders’ life was when his 18-year-old brother Eddie was killed in a horrific motorbike accident in 1977.

Mr Mulders, who was just 14 at the time, said he went on a 15-year bender of drugs and alcohol and basically turned into an angry young man.

“He was my hero,” he said simply. “There was this huge emptiness there.”

God came into Mr and Ms Mulders’ lives in the mid-1990s in an unusual way.

Riding across the Nullarbor Plain after selling all their worldly goods in Fremantle, Mr Mulders and his then-girlfriend — both heavy drug users at the time — spent the night getting reacquainted with old friends who had since become Christians.

Stoned, on a ride in the rain later, both made the decision to become Christians themselves.

Mr Mulders said it changed his life dramatically.

“Drugs and alcohol no longer had a hold over my life. I’m free to have a drink now and I don’t have to keep drinking. Before if it was there, I’d drink it,” he said.

Darryl was living in Port Lincoln when he first heard of the Longriders CMC.

“I was probably the only Christian biker there that I knew of,” he said. “I was just looking for something.”

Darryl was invited to the Murray Bridge clubhouse, around the corner from where he grew up and said he knew he was home when he went on an Anzac Day run with the club.

“I looked at these blokes and they fitted everything that I was,” he said.

“In the morning, there would be this straggly bunch of blokes around a picnic bench, doing a Bible study and I thought, “this is where I want to be”.

After a few moves, Darrell was invited to “nom up” with the Murray Bridge chapter in 2011 and became a member a year later.

“I’ve really never looked back. It suits.”

Mount Gambier is currently a prospective chapter, but in June the club will become an official chapter, one of five in Australia and the third in South Australia.

As Mr Mulders talks, he is interrupted by the sound of bikes revving and calls of “Come on!” and “You got two minutes!”

“We may be Christians but we’re still dickheads,” quips one member, laughing as the group mounts up. “Speak for yourself,” fires back another.

Cold beer is waiting at the Nelson pub and the Longriders are keen to hit the road.

“Yep, it’s definitely unconventional,” Mr Mulders says, as his lifts his helmet from his bike.

“The Bible talks about gathering together in houses. There are no hard and fast rules of what that house should look like.”



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