Councillors for the City of Greater Bendigo, photographed in 2013. Left to right: Rod Fyffe, Barry Lyons, Peter Cox, Elise Chapman, Lisa Ruffell (then Mayor), James Williams, Mark Weragoda, Helen Leach, and Rod Campbell. Picture: City of Greater Bendigo

Protests and progress: Four years that will shape Bendigo’s future

After a turbulent period in the international spotlight, the growing central Victorian city of Bendigo is at a crossroad as ratepayers elect a new city council. Big, global debates have been played out at a local level, forcing the community to reflect on how it sees itself and how it wants to be known.

Published in
9 min readOct 21, 2016


By Peter Lenaghan

For the City of Greater Bendigo council, the past four years can be seen as triumph or disaster, or anywhere on the spectrum in between.

Talk to any 10 Bendigonians and you will almost certainly get 10 different views on what has transpired, because it is hard to make simple judgements given the contrasting images to come out of central Victoria since 2012.

Huge crowds flocked to see internationally-acclaimed art exhibitions, armies of tradesmen and women worked on enormous new buildings, young and old alike relaxed in the city’s cafes.

But at a time of global fear about Islamic extremism, groups of masked pro- and anti-mosque protesters clashed in the streets, heavily-armed police rode through town, black balloons were strung up from trees and light posts, and there was abuse and threats.

Chaos and progress

Bendigo projects an image both rustic and sophisticated, mixing its gold rush history with contemporary art and culture.

The population is surging, projected to grow from about 100,000 residents now to double that within a few decades, and small towns on Bendigo’s fringe are being transformed into bustling suburbs.

Chancery Lane, in the centre of Bendigo. Picture: Terri-Anne Kingsley

But income levels are lower than the State average, health inequality is of concern, and Bendigo is less culturally diverse than Victoria as a whole.

At a political level, much that has taken place in Bendigo over recent years can be interpreted as global trends writ small: questions about the role of government, the management of growth, community harmony, and the place of Islam in a largely Christian society.

In a city that has voted for Labor at the State and Federal levels for two decades, it has also been possible to see elements of Trump, Farage and Le Pen, alongside Obama, Merkel and Corbyn.

A central player in this time of tempest has been the City of Greater Bendigo, its nine councillors, and senior staff.

Since the outgoing council’s election in 2012, the atmosphere in the chamber has been described privately as difficult, challenging, horrible, and toxic.

Councillors have launched a series of code of conduct investigations against each other, lawsuits have been started and settled, and scandal has been a companion.

All but one of the city’s executive team has departed — for a variety of reasons — leaving just the chief executive Craig Niemann standing.

And yet the city can point to some serious accomplishments that promise to benefit Bendigo for decades.

Bendigo’s new hospital, slated to open early next year. Picture: Peter Lenaghan)

Substantial policies to guide the city’s housing development and transport networks have been voted through and written into policy.

The most expensive public works in the council’s history have been approved: the transformation of the Old Bendigo Gaol into the Ulumbarra Theatre, the expansion of the city’s basketball stadium, and the start of work on a brand new indoor aquatic centre.

The biggest project of the lot is the new Bendigo Hospital, which will open early next year as “the best in regional Australia” with the expectation that it will transform the surrounding neighbourhood into a health services hub.

Councillors and staff boast that other regions across Australia are jealous of Bendigo’s ability to win government funding grants, and say they are asked at conferences for the secrets to their success.

‘Victoria’s coolest town’

The Age once described Bendigo as Victoria’s coolest town, with some solid justification.

Exterior of the recent additions to the Bendigo Art Gallery. Picture: Peter Lenaghan

The Bendigo Art Gallery now has a reputation that far exceeds its physical size, thanks largely to the work of long-serving director Karen Quinlan.

The most recent blockbuster exhibition, featuring the fashion of the Hollywood screen legend Marilyn Monroe, included an eight-metre tall sculpture of the actress in her famous subway-vent pose with dress billowing around her knees.

For weeks, visitors could be seen day and night, staring in wonder, taking photos, looking up at Marilyn’s lacy underwear.

This was just one of a series of successes for the gallery, drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers.

People look at a three-storey statue of Marilyn Monroe in Bendigo, Victoria, after it was erected to coincide with an exhibition on the former star at the Bendigo Art Gallery. Picture: Norman Becker

The Art Gallery, owned by the City of Greater Bendigo, gets a lot of credit for those achievements, but the gallery is not loved by those locals who dismiss it as elitist or as an expensive decoration.

The ill-feeling was an important element in a fight that started before the 2012 council election and was a big factor in how the next four years played out.

The battle centred on council expenditure and rate rises, as residents complained that the City of Greater Bendigo was out of touch and running at levels ratepayers could not afford.

The Art Gallery was a prime target for the campaigners: it was better, the argument went, to redirect funding into the basics, like roads, drains and footpaths.

A call for an independent review to shake up the City of Greater Bendigo’s operations dominated the 2012 election campaign, and ultimately changed the shape of the council.

Soon after the ballots were counted, councillors voted to approve the review and one of the supporters, Lisa Ruffell, was installed as Mayor.

Peter Cox and newcomer Elise Chapman also voted for the review and would become central figures in what was to follow.

Review proposes sweeping change — not always where expected

The review made 69 recommendations for sweeping change and, as a result, spending was cut in areas such as childcare and Home and Community Care (HACC).

But the Art Gallery emerged essentially unscathed. Moreover, some of the review’s biggest early critics, including council staff, became ardent supporters because of the budget and workplace culture improvements it yielded.

On the other hand, the review proved deeply disappointing for some of its proponents, who wanted deeper cuts to the council’s operations.

That turnaround is an example of how the early allegiances within the council shifted, and goes some way to explaining the division that followed.

Lisa Ruffell, Peter Cox and Barry Lyons all served as Mayor and were all the subjects of code of conduct complaints made by review supporters Elise Chapman or Helen Leach, or both, who alleged they were treated unfairly over time.

In each case, misconduct findings were made. All three apologised for their behaviour, although Ms Ruffell’s misconduct finding was later overturned.

It is easy to imagine that closed-door council meetings were all headlocks and screaming matches, but those involved say the gatherings were instead marked by simmering tension, interspersed with brief outbursts or muttered comments.

The divisions behind closed doors were made plain in big and passionate debates about cuts to public swimming pools, the demolition of the Kangaroo Flat Leisure Centre, and use of the old White Hills landfill.

But it was the application to build Bendigo’s first mosque that will be one issue that is remembered in years to come.

Mosque debate flares

There were several important moments along the way: the initial low-key gathering of opposition to the proposal; the rowdy meeting in June 2014 when the council voted to approve the plans; the mass rallies in Bendigo’s streets featuring clashes between those for and against the mosque.

Anti-mosque campaigners brought in fliers explaining their opposition to Islam at a Bendigo council meeting on June 19, 2014. Picture: Claire Slattery

If the June 2014 meeting was when the issue hit the national headlines, the succession of rallies featuring the United Patriots Front and the Bendigo Action Coalition reinforced the narrative that Bendigo was a community divided.

Now, more than 12 months on from the first of the rallies, the images of flags, face masks, fist fights, and police on horseback are vivid.

The sounds — competing chants of “Nazi scum off our streets” and renditions of the Australian national anthem in Rosalind Park — still echo.

Faded posters advertising the rallies can be found on walls, fences and street signs.

Mosque backers were keen to point out that most of the hundreds who objected and took part in the rallies were out-of-towners, but there was a significant local flavour to the debate.

Pictures: ABC News and Shane Carey

The lead objector, Julie Hoskin, became a figurehead, as did Elise Chapman and Helen Leach, the two councillors opposed to the mosque.

Chapman went on to be pre-selected by Pauline Hanson’s One Nationas the party’s lead Victorian candidate for the Senate at this year’s Federal election, and called for a Royal Commission into Islam before dropping out of the campaign.

She also remains the subject of a separate code of conduct complaint, lodged in the wake of comments on social media that sought to link Islam to cases of female genital mutilation.

A misconduct finding was made, but Ms Chapman is challenging the ruling and the case is due before the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal later this year.

The councillors who voted in favour of the mosque plans and who complained about Ms Chapman’s comments became known as the “Gang of Seven” by detractors, who gathered in social media groups such as Voices of Bendigo and Rights for Bendigo Residents.

There were regular posts in these forums from Australian and overseas writers about the dangers posed by Islam, terrorism, and crimes committed by Muslims; there was derision of the European Union’s intake of refugees; and there was unfounded fear that an Islamic housing estate could be built near the Bendigo mosque.

The online war of words was vicious, and council meetings became forums for mosque opponents to argue their case out loud, often with fancy dress and placards with slogans accusing the council of bias or corruption.

After a meeting in September 2015 was abandoned when protesters shouted down the Mayor, Peter Cox, normal process was suspended and public access was closed for months.

An anti-mosque campaigner told Mr Cox, a target for much of the protest, that Islam wanted him dead, and many of those there that night recall feeling sick in the stomach, or remember a sense of dread.

Pictures: Bendigo Advertiser/Joseph Hinchliffe

Community fights back against protests

In response to the protests, the community-led Believe in Bendigo group was formed to fight for what it argued was the city’s reputation for inclusion and harmony.

There has also been an attempt to bring Muslim custom and ceremony into the mainstream, and to include Islam in a new multi-faith council of local churches.

There is an argument about whether the City of Greater Bendigo itself could or should have acted much earlier to head off the community concern that followed.

Was it inevitable, or even foreseeable, that the fight over a mosque in Bendigo would become a proxy for much bigger concerns? Or is the view that the City of Greater Bendigo should have been on the front foot just wisdom in hindsight?

The debate, fed by outcry about the council’s direction and infighting, coincided with disquiet globally about Islamic extremism, immigration and the movement of refugees, so was Bendigo just the city in the wrong place at the wrong time?

In a legal sense, the anti-mosque case was formally defeated when the High Court decided in June this year to dismiss a final attempt to appeal against the approval of the plans, but the broader implications for Bendigo’s reputation are less certain.

Anecdotal evidence suggests it is common for people from Bendigo to be asked when travelling, even overseas, about the mosque debate — the city and the issue have become synonymous.

But Bendigo itself appears to have retained its lustre — the $13 million boost delivered to the local economy by the Marilyn Monroe exhibition shows tourists are still willing to come and spend.

The response from Bendigonians themselves at this weekend’s council election is sure to shed further light on just how the city sees itself after such an intense period of its history.



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