Illegal Adult — Part 1 of the Rogue Blockchain Series

Aditya Balaji
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2020

It’s been almost two years since my last book came out. Back then, I thought the process of writing books would get easier and quicker. Boy, was I wrong!

After countless weekends fighting writer’s block, and avoiding the question of whether all the effort was ‘worth it’, I’m pumped to be on the other side of the bridge today.

My new bookIllegal Adult’, part 1 of the Rogue Blockchain series is finally out! This series is one of my dream projects and also happens to be my first full-blown work of science fiction.

What’s the book/series about?

In a nutshell, it’s about the quest for an ideal world.

Tarun Ladda, a reputed ex-lawyer who is disillusioned with the legal system, decides to take matters into his own hands. So he sets into operation an illegally-run city, Tillamet, where people can create their own Worlds (and their own set of laws) via smart contracts on the city-wide blockchain. He believes that over time, different Worlds will converge to create a perfect set of laws that can be used in any part of the universe. But even after 20-odd years, he sees that his grand dreams are failing to materialize and tries to set things right.

A large part of the story follows the life of Rassi Nath, a second-generation citizen of Tillamet who’s a bit of a social outcast. She fights tooth and nail to stay alive every single day, and is deeply sceptical of Tillamet’s ability to be a vehicle for justice. Over the course of the first book, she begins to understand the various scams and cover-ups that have kept the city standing.

Does Tarun’s end goal justify his actions? Will Rassi bring the curtains down on Tillamet? What exactly is an ‘Illegal Adult’? Read the book to find out more!

Where can I get my hands on this book?

  1. You can buy the ebook on Amazon here — it can either be read on a Kindle device, or on the Kindle phone/desktop app if you don’t have a Kindle device ( link, link)
  2. You may also read the full book online for free on Wattpad here

More books in this series are to follow. Hope you all enjoy this journey!

