Abelian FAQ Part 4: ABE Community

Chrysant Liu
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2019
Part 4: ABE Community

Have more questions? Ask us anything in our Telegram channel.

How will ABE involve the community?

The open-source nature of the project will allow the community to participate in enhancements and the ABE Research communities will be able to use the quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms for other projects.

What are the next steps regarding the growth of the ABE Telegram group?

Abelian is a cryptocurrency platform that allows transactions to remain private and has quantum level encryption. Since the beginning of September, our community has grown to 46,000 members on Telegram. We will not only continue to focus on maintaining active users, but also developing more users. We continue to actively post content on Telegram channel including, welcome posts and candy box instructions every five minutes. We’re also glad to respond to any questions raised.

