Abelian Newsletter: Q1 2019

Chrysant Liu
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2019

Development progress

The Abelian development team has been improving the cryptographic algorithmic design, security proofs, and building up the Abelian codebase.

The Abelian codebase will have the lattice-based digital signature in place that is designed to be secure against quantum attacks. The cryptographic scheme is based on the NIST shortlisted one called Dilithium, which entered into the second round of the NIST quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithm standardization campaign.

The team will complete all rigorous testing before releasing the codebase to the public, and we are looking forward to a beta ABE release, tentatively scheduled in Q3 2019.

Our research team is continually working on various cryptographic primitives for the user privacy and accountability features, and recently published the paper Key-Insulated and Privacy-Preserving Signature Scheme with Publicly Derived Public Key. The team will give a presentation, and the paper will appear in the proceedings of the 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (Euro S&P 2019), which will be held in Stockholm on June 17–19, 2019. We will continue to share more of our research results once finalized.

Marketing progress

Deloitte Blockchain Applications in Business World 2019

Our CEO Dr Duncan Wong discussed about the current obstacles facing the finance world, such as the balance between transparency and privacy, how Abelian solution with full levels of privacy tackles the challenge, and Blockchain applications in trade finance during the panel of FinTech Use Cases in Industries at Deloitte Hong Kong office in the Blockchain Applications in Business World event jointly organized by AICPA, CIMA and Deloitte on March 8.

China CACR Youth Forum 2019

Dr Duncan has been invited to speak about Privacy and Accountability of Post-Quantum Blockchain Systems at the China Association for Cryptologic Research Youth Forum 2019 (《中国密码学会 2019 年青年论坛》) at the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou on April 12. We welcome our community to join us and exchange insights with our CEO about post-quantum blockchain systems and other aspects of the ABE project.

Community update

Twitter & Telegram: Our community continues to grow and are eager to learn every progress of the ABE project. The team is happy to answer all questions related to the project and we are planning to launch a user feedback collection based on the most popular questions in our FAQ section.

Medium: We have published more articles about our tech development and marketing progress on Medium. In January, we launched an easy guide on how to add the tokens to ETH wallet as we found this is one of the most asked questions in the community. Early this March, we have introduced our technical advisors and researchers Professor Zhen Liu and Professor Guomin Yang to the community. We are excited to have such experienced and world-renowned researchers in cryptography onboard.

Abelian is thankful to every community member that has expressed their support and believe in our vision of a post-quantum cryptocurrency platform with accountable privacy. To find out more about ABE, check out our website and follow us on Telegram and social media: Medium and Twitter.

