Abelian Platform Performance A/B Testing Results

Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2018

Abelian has developed a peer-2-peer professional mining platform that simplifies and optimizes mining activities for users. The platform provides performance optimization for mining through

  • AI-driven mining market intelligence
  • Automated activity switching for profit optimization
  • Automated exchange from mined coins to long-term holdings

The results of a 5-day live performance A/B test are outlined below. This performance test was a comparison of performance and profitability mining with the Abelian platform versus an equivalent mining rig set up to mine directing to a well known mining pool and mining one coin only (Ethereum).

The Abelian miner was optimized to automatically mine the most profitable coin, with the daily profit/reward collated and compared against the second mining rig. Both miners were running 2x AMD RX580 GPUs.

The findings illustrate that mining on the Abelian platform can increase profitability by 48% (on average) in comparison to directly mining on one mining pool. The Abelian platform’s total mining profit over the testing period was 50.78% higher than the mining rig set up to mine directly on one pool.

Table 1. Daily Cash Out Profit ($USD) Breakdown

1, 2. Results truncated to account for mining downtime

Table 2. Daily Cash Out Profit $USD (Total)

Total profit over testing period

With a total profit increase of 50.78%, the Abelian platform was able to accrue $2.88 in total mining revenue compared to $1.91 using an identical 2 gpu mining rig to mine directly from a mining pool. This difference of $0.97 in revenue over 5 days with a 2 graphic card test rig can become really substantial

The initial results from the performance A/B testing are very promising, showing a considerable performance increase against mining directly on one pool.

Abelian is conducting additional performance testing and continuing platform development with a focus on increasing optimization and mining profit for the user.

To stay up to date, visit https://abelian.tech or have a chat to us on Telegram (t.me/abeliansolution)

