Getting to Know the Team: John Cooper

Jordan Cumming
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2018

We have heard lots about the different technical aspects of Abelian Technology, how the mining platform and exchange will streamline and ease entry for both the mining and trading side of cryptocurrencies. We have briefly been able to get to know the superb team at Abelian but haven’t yet been able to dissect why they have chosen to become involved in Blockchain in the first place.

To kick this off, our first subject to be interviewed is John Cooper — COO of Abelian. To refresh our introduction that we previously wrote in an article about the team, John is essentially an OG when it comes to mining. He built his first Bitcoin mining rig in 2011 and never looked back. He also has proven success in growing business and teams to become productive and efficient entities. John, with a master’s in economics, has a lot to say.

Let us begin. Thanks, John for taking some time out of your busy schedule to sit down and talk about what is going on with Abelian and the crypto space in general!

I think the first question that everyone wants to hear is what on earth got you interested in 2011 to start mining Bitcoin!?

Hi Jordan, Thanks for the kind introduction! My first entry into mining stemmed from a deep interest in Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Even during the early days of crypto, there were high profile magazines highlighting Bitcoin and blockchain for its future technological potential. Of course back then, (as with now) most people who knew about Bitcoin tended to associate it with criminal activity. However, at that time I saw what many people are starting to realize now. A transactional technology with the potential to radically transform the political and economic underpinnings of our society. Something that can be used to improve quality of life by innovating on existing monetary systems and channels of communication.

Do you continue to mine and build different mining rigs?

Haha, no not on a regular basis. Although I have spent some time helping the team set up local mining hardware for stress testing our own mining platform.

What state is Abelian in currently and what is being worked on?

Abelian is just starting our private sale, and we are looking to release our software to the public very shortly. We have been working on stress testing our software both internally and through partner miners. Our hope is to release the initial version of the Abelian mining application by the middle of October.

Are you worried about the current state of the crypto market?

Not at all. People always get fearful when there’s a big dip in the market, but if you look at the big picture the crypto market has only grown over the long-term. In terms of our project, we have been able to drive investor interest and traction by building upon good fundamentals. Unlike a lot of previous projects Abelian has focused on producing a go-to-market product prior to launching our ICO. We have also made sure to cover our bases when it comes to research, compliance and proper business practice to ensure we are well positioned for launch. With the strength of our team, business model, service relevance, and emerging partnerships Abelian is well positioned to join the emerging crypto-market.

What aspects about blockchain are you most excited about?

Hmm, I think although infrastructure projects have gained a lot of attention last year, I’ve always been most interested in those projects that provide real-world application to existing problems. When I see a project like Humaniq attempting to bring banking services to 2 billion unbanked people in the world; or Bitfury working on creating a blockchain based real-estate registry in Jordan; or Powerledger developing a decentralized energy market in Australia, these kinds of solutions are what excite me most about Blockchain technology. It’s in this vein that Abelian has focused first on providing relevant services to the mining community.

I’ve seen that you have attended a couple of conferences in the past couple of weeks, can you describe what you have been doing at these conferences? What is the general mood of the other individuals you interacted with about the current ICO market and crypto market in general?

Yes, I’ve been bouncing around recently between the Traction conference in Vancouver, to the Blockchain Futurist conference in Toronto, to the Blockchain China Connect conference in L.A. My primary intention has been to connect with people in the blockchain community as we kick off our roadshow to raise capital and build partnerships. I have also been interested to follow where the market is heading, especially in-regards-to the emerging regulatory climate. As with more savvy investors, we want to stay ahead of the game when it comes to regulatory compliance.

Are you going to be attending any conferences in the near future?

Yes of course. It’s just a matter of deciding which ones to prioritize. This is still to be determined.

Lastly, the question that needs to be asked to every crypto-enthusiast, what coins are currently your favorite and why?

Honestly, while I have a few favorites I’m a bit fair weathered depending on where the market is at. Currently, I’m watching Bitcoin and waiting to see if it can continue to gain buyer strength. In terms of Alts, I’ve been watching Binance coin for a long time. I think it has shown a lot of resilience during the recent downturn. I think this is mainly due to the value of services offered by the Binance exchange, and the strong token economic model built into the Binance coin.

Fantastic! Thank you, John, for taking the time to answer some questions! For those that haven’t already, check out what is happening with Abelian Technology at We will keep you all updated on John as we approach their much anticipated ICO.

Next interview, we have an advisor to the project, Carlos Cabrera. Stay tuned for another great sit down!

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