#1 Old Aberdeen

What you see depends from where you look.

paul martin
Aberdeen & environs


The original John Wayne and Thomas Blake Glover would have, in a school break, sat in front of the Town House counting the number of cassies or granite setts in the High Street ahead of them and observing their tesselation reflected in the wall patterns too.

Twin Escher town views

Aberdeen is a story of two towns: the jigsaw like paving material made the area in earlier times, but as ever the currency is human, for the location is effectively the centre of a University, that resulted from (several) mergers with its cousin on the other river, located overlooking the harbour.

So as they say lets follow the money. The apex of the street consists of three, or more hostelries: the first traditionally provided safe drinking water from fermented local produce, the latest flavours Turriff water with caffeine from further afield. Closer to is an ex-Police station opposite a bank which is next to St Mary’s. More distant is the school a leper hospital but right behind is the gaol. All of life within a radius of 150 yards.

