The people you hate are a reflection of your own flaws.

Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018
from: the mirror

When we first read this sentence we probably start to think of people we are not very fond of. The ones we can list as not being our favorites, the ones we want to be far from and the ones we can not put up with. That is true, we are all humans. There are people we like and people we do not.

The moment we realize these people we do not like, and even hate, can be a reflection of our inner souls is usually not very nice. How the hell? What is wrong with me? Really? Is it true? Why?

The answer is: no! There is nothing wrong with you. For a tiny little moment we forget we are all the same. There is no difference among us. We are all struggling in search of the same thing: happiness. We all want to be happy and to be loved. That is it. We want to be accepted, we want to fit in. But we forget, we are not able to please everybody, we don’t even have to try it. It is IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone all the time!

I Have been teaching at a graduate course for more than seven years. A couple of years ago, I found out I had a page of haters in social media. It was a surprise for me. I always felt my students liked my classes and the feedback was usually warm and invinting. However, some of the posts I read made me cry. Some of the comments made me very sad. I realized not all of them liked me. That is ok. I also realized that some of them really hated me a lot! Much more than I could ever imagine!

When I ran into this quote…somehow, it cheered me up!

All in all, we just are another brick in the wall…

Another Brick in the Wall




Translator and Corpus Linguistics Researcher. PhD in Applied Linguistics, PUC-SP — GELC — SELEPROT — Professor at Faculdade Phorte and Faculdade Cultura Inglesa