Thinking functional

Abhinav Kumar
Blistering Barnicles
1 min readJul 29, 2014

Last time I checked the date, I got to know that my summer vacations are soon ending. I wanted to do something different in the remaining time. So it came to my mind that why shouldn’t I delve into functional territory?

All the languages I have learnt so far focused on imperative/object-oriented programming paradigm so this idea seemed to be good enough. But the problem I faced was choosing one. There are a literally a lot of them; mostly categorized into

  • Haskell
  • ML family
  • Lisp dialects

I browsed a lot of Stack Overflow, Reddit, Hacker News threads but couldn’t decide which one should I commit to? I didn’t want to get demotivated from learning functional paradigm just because I chose a language which wasn’t too well accomodating for a noob at functional programming.

Every language had its proponents (or say fanatics. P.S.: I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to evangelize what you love). The most popular ones seemed to be Haskell, Clojure, Scala, F# and OCaml. Haskell was too pure and acadamic for me.

Although trying a pure language which doesn’t offer flexibility for using imperative paradigm in your code and force you to be functional would have been good too. F# requires .Net framework and others were too specfic for certain industrial usecases.

After carefully going through pros and cons of each option, I have settled on Clojure and I’ll post an update about how it turned out for me.

Originally published at on July 29, 2014.



Abhinav Kumar
Blistering Barnicles

IAmA Geek. Developer. Pythonista. Music Buff. Tolkienian. Westerosi. Trekkie. Loves Epic Fantasy & OSS. Evangelical Atheist. Tries to write.