Repost: Ground Beef

Abi Knopp
Gathering Paradise
Published in
1 min readApr 18, 2017

Spring is here, and the squirrels are digging up treasures! I saw two squirrels fighting over an acorn yesterday. One of them had its head in a hole, and the other was just standing there barking at it. The digging squirrel calmly pulled its head out, mouthful of acorn, and hopped away. Oh, that we all should have such peaceful resolve.

I made this comic last April, but instead of saving it I took a (poor) picture of it with my phone and slapped it up on Twitter. Here’s my attempt at cleaning it up a little in Photoshop.



Abi Knopp
Gathering Paradise

Foodie, Emily Dickinson fangirl, new media geek, writer. Northampton, MA