ICO Fundraising is a living blockchain

ABL Nick
ABL Ecosystem
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

Time flies when you’re raising funds. After our official private sale launch in Silicon Valley, The ABL team has diligently been at work refining and perfecting our roadshow for 2018. Make no mistake we’re coming to a city near you, giving us the chance to connect with people from around the world.

As exciting it is, it made me realize that the vehicles we use to fundraise are another industry that is evolving as a result of the explosion in blockchain technology. Funds are growing increasingly liquid, and the locations in which we choose to raise funds are not unlike blockchains themselves. Living Blockchains — how radical is that?

So maybe my tinfoil hat is showing a little but hear me out. The Nature of funding has begun to become truly global, with each city a focal point or essentially a node. We put the project out to the world, riding the winds from country to country spreading our projects like gospel, bringing in as many people and parties as possible. Our projects reach consensus by achieving their funding goals and become vetted members of the blockchain community.

This consensus/raising of capital is also no longer entirely dependant on being Venture Capitalists, who’re used to holding the keys to the kingdom. They in a sense represent traditional centralized models and architecture. Now everyone can participate in the consensus creating a much better diversity in the field of innovation, what projects have the chance to live, and others to die.

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Of course, this is not to say that traditional VC’s go right out the window; As the ICO market has evolved, we’ve now seen tiering begin to emerge, meaning VC’s and accredited investors get the first pick of the crop before opening the floor to a sale to the public. Additionally, murky and inconsistent legislation from countries caused the market to take more precautions to prevent potential lawsuits before they happen. That said the availability of public sales, at all, means that conventional gateways that make the rich richer and, disable the middle class entirely are beginning to ease although in it’s present state ICO fundraising is a bit of a Frankenstein of methodologies.

Dr. Victor here is celebrating the success of his ICO — Frankenchain

Alternatively, regulators may collaborate to create enhanced regulation. According to a recent article by Coindesk, we should

“expect that a new second-generation acronym (such as tokenized asset offering or “TAO”) will replace ICO. Increasing bad press, regulatory enforcement and class action lawsuits (concerning coins issued before the infamous DAO) may dominate headlines, and ultimately, tarnish the monicker.

But this new model won’t just be the same idea with a new coat of paint. Expect the SEC, CFTC, and FINRA to collaborate on industry guidelines that merge the priorities of each, very similarly to how the SEC and NASSA cooperated for Reg A+ during the JOBS Act…

This could create a pathway for perhaps an integrated hybrid token, one which is not only a security but also maintains a derivative utility function and or an alternate currency status, which may settle the utility vs. security vs. commodity debate.”

Regardless, Since the beginning of 2018, the Global market cap has gone through a severe retracement, yet speculators believe that we may quickly come close to or even pass the 2 trillion dollar mark this year. For this to happen, the burden will fall on both traditional finance parties and non-traditional to harmonize to bring new money into the market and push the market cap upwards.

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