The ABL Ecosystem or The Case for Decentralized HR

ABL Nick
ABL Ecosystem
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2017

BlockAble is a team with over +32 years of leadership experience and +28 years of large scale software development. The ABL Ecosystem our flagship product.

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The Price of Legacy HR

Hiring good talent is critical for any successful business. Empires have been built and have fallen based on the caliber of the individuals within them. Especially these days, with our distributed workforce and the gig economy mindset, the need to effectively connect businesses with the right talent is key to any success.

Given the abundance of opportunities, you would think hiring would be a trivial concern and yet the the HR industry is particularly burdened because HR models haven’t been updated for over 20 years and companies have simply shifted to insecure social networks to find their talent.

Even large organizations aren’t equipped to be effective recruiters, as a result over 428 billion USD globally is spent on outsourcing recruitment and its associated technologies. These companies pay middlemen, broker agencies, and other 3rd parties because they aren’t adequately able to find suitable talent.

Trapped in these legacy systems, the recruitment industry and the workforce have attempted to adapt with the emergence of “professional” social networks. While these platforms have made huge gains, they ultimately act as digital versions of resumes that still fail to take into consideration human elements such as aptitude, adaptability, motivation AND match-making capabilities.

And yet as we dive deeper and deeper into becoming a global community, people continue to adopt these networks in search of opportunity, but as with everything, it comes at a price.

The Hidden Fees of Centralized Social

If you’re like me, you’re one of the 500 million people on professional networks. We use these tools to advance our professional lives, and in turn we give these platforms life, filling them with content and allowing them to swell to enormous proportions. A symbiotic relationship that allows both user and platform to succeed.

At first, the exchange of services seems fair, however a deeper look reveals a central manipulation of centralized social media. You don’t own your data. Yes, the trade off to access these platforms is the resigning of all our personal information only to be forced to purchase this data back in the form of subscriptions and ad bombardment based on your data — billions are made on it.

Despite this ethically backwards truth, there’s still the issue of bad actors. Verification processes are minimal, and there’s nothing to stop potential candidates from forging their credentials, or using buzzwords to beat algorithms to put themselves at the front of the line. Admittedly there may be some points for creativity, but the fallout of hiring a bad candidate who “looked good” can be catastrophic to any organization.

Lastly there’s you, by which I mean the workforce. You went to school for engineering right(?), not a marketer or recruiter. I mean, that’s awesome if you did, but if you’re trained in another discipline you might be getting glossed over, despite potentially being the most skilled and qualified for the position.

Inverting the Model

So what do we do? The human resource industry is ready to be fundamentally disrupted. Fortunately, the blockchain is issuing in a new era of information management that is entirely decentralized and completely secure through peer to peer transactions. In addition to the decentralized nature of the blockchain, tokenization allows for us to build an economy that effectively rewards its users for existing and participating in this ecosystem.

Enter the ABL ecosystem. A professional networking platform built on the Ethereum blockchain that harnesses reputation A.I, natural language processing and machine learning to effectively eliminate “centralized” control models.

This reward economy will motivate its users to engage in the platform by monetizing participation and profile comprehensiveness through tokenization.

In other words, the more users choose to divulge about themselves, the more they will be compensated and the more effective our AI is at matching users with better, more relevant jobs. Additionally the more often users are selected for jobs, the more both the user and their networks are rewarded with tokens.

Once the workforce becomes familiarized with the low friction required to participate they will begin to pull away from corporately owned centralized social media to engage in a better option where they are in control of their personal information and compensated for their time, work, contacts and most importantly, when they get a job.

Corporations looking for talent pay cash for tokens instead of paying a recruiter an exorbitant fee, and spend 90% less to get better, faster results within our AI-powered ABL ecosystem. The majority of the money collected goes to the rightful owners: the candidates who have the most robust profiles!

And in the end, all users retain the ownership of their data.

Unlocking the Future (or TL;DR)

The surmounting pressures of a global community make obvious the demand for an evolution in the world of recruitment. Centralized platforms, take advantage of their user base through the buying and selling of individual’s information delivering varying results. Our mission with the ABL ecosystem is to disrupt HR by integrating blockchain technology, AI and psychometrics to connect millions of skilled workers with the right opportunity. In doing this we aim to create a fundamental shift in HR that reduces the burden and cost on all parties.

Welcome to ABL.

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