Optimize Your Shopify Store

Harness the power of Shopify with these simple tips

Able Sense
Able Sense
2 min readOct 23, 2020


Shopify is a truly incredible platform. Scalable and responsive, it makes it easy to launch and grow your brand. To make sure you’re getting the most out of it, follow these tips:

Think mobile

Over half of ecommerce traffic is now via mobile device. It’s more than having a responsive design; design your site with mobile visitors in mind from start to finish.

Trust Shopify Experts and Shopify Partners

Do all your ecommerce apps integrate well with each other? Review your apps and choose from a suite that are designed to work together, like those from certified Shopify Partners.

Shopify itself has many apps included in even its basic plan. Are you taking full advantage of them?

  • Shopify now offers gift cards for free. Activate this feature to start collecting cash.
  • Add a live chat feature like Shopify Ping and Shopify Chat to be more accessible to your customers. Engage with shoppers on your site, and answer and address customer concerns right while they’re planning to buy.

Make it speedy

Your site’s performance can make the difference between your customers staying to buy or clicking away to another merchant. Turn on Google Search Console to show you how your site is performing. It might be time to fix what’s not working anymore.

  • Remove large images from your website to optimize its loading speed.
  • Enable Shopify Pay to speed up checkout. Shopify will autofill the information if your customer has shopped with another Shopify merchant.

Fast fingers

On your mobile, if you find yourself constantly opening Shopify on your iPhone, simply hold the app down as if to rearrange it and it will quickly display today’s sales.

And finally, to be a true Shopify power user, learn your keyboard shortcuts.

These are steps you can follow yourself, or you could contact a professional. As Shopify Experts and Shopify Plus Partners, we’d be happy to help.

Able Sense: We’ll help you take your business to the next level with Shopify Plus.

Originally published at https://ablesense.com on October 23, 2020.

Able Sense is a full-service ecommerce website development agency specializing exclusively in Shopify Plus strategies and custom Shopify implementations for clients around the globe. We help merchants succeed at B2B, B2C or D2C by helping them put Shopify Plus at the centre of their businesses.



Able Sense
Able Sense

We’ll help you take your business to the next level with Shopify Plus