Go to ableneo Technology
ableneo Technology
Application Development, Data Science, Experience Platforms
Note from the editor

Application Development, Data Science, Experience Platforms

Go to the profile of ableneo
The mission of ableneo is to enable organizations to adopt complex changes related to people, process, and technology. We are the innovation enablers.
Go to the profile of Marcel Mokos
Marcel Mokos
I'm fanatic to next generation Javascript lambda, yield, async/await everything. I admire typescript and flow types. Javascript will ultimately rule the world.
Go to the profile of Ján Gregor
Ján Gregor
Founder & Chairman of the Board at ableneo
Go to the profile of Jakub Svoboda
Go to the profile of Romana Gregorova
Go to the profile of Peter Meluš
Peter Meluš
Head of CX & UX at ableneo
Go to the profile of Marcel Mokos
Marcel Mokos
I'm fanatic to next generation Javascript lambda, yield, async/await everything. I admire typescript and flow types. Javascript will ultimately rule the world.
Go to the profile of Marek Hornak
Marek Hornak
Java, Spring, Elasticsearch and DevOps.
Go to the profile of Gustav Novotný
Gustav Novotný
Senior Portal Consultant at ableneo, Java developer, DevOps, crypto/blockchain enthusiast
Go to the profile of Ján Gregor
Ján Gregor
Founder & Chairman of the Board at ableneo
Go to the profile of Piotr Paradiuk
Go to the profile of Andrej Hucko
Andrej Hucko
Know your data know your value.
Go to the profile of Ľudovít Hajzer
Go to the profile of Martin Michniak
Martin Michniak
Passionate UX designer / Design Systems evangelist / Innovation enabler at @ableneo / Afterwork DJ / Based in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Go to the profile of Lucia Lonská
Go to the profile of Marek Vodicka
Marek Vodicka
Crafting frontends for web applications that innovate quickly and affordably, empowering your business for success.
Go to the profile of Jozef Olejnik
Go to the profile of Markéta Jansová
Go to the profile of Miroslav Petrik
Miroslav Petrik
Typescript engineer delivering end-to-end solutions.
Go to the profile of Katarína Poláková
Go to the profile of Petr Maca
Go to the profile of Peter Meluš
Peter Meluš
Head of CX & UX at ableneo
Go to the profile of Mato Ďuriš
Go to the profile of Romana Gregorova
Go to the profile of Matej Kolečáni
Matej Kolečáni
Software developer - craftsman tryhard. Cats person. Passionate about computer science stuff (algebra, type systems). Interested in sports and nutrition.
Go to the profile of Pavel Dvornak
Go to the profile of Jaroslav Kubalak
Go to the profile of Matus Bogar
Go to the profile of Tomas Zuber
Go to the profile of Filip Staňo
Filip Staňo
Former & Future AI startup co-founder, 10 years of AI engineering and leadership