The cost of a wire transfer

Kyle Drewnowsky
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2019

We scoured the web and compared the prices of 5 major banks in both Canada and the U.S. to see who offers the best deal, and guess what? No matter the bank, consumers are still stuck spending an arm-and-a-leg for wire transfers. Plus, in most cases, banks also charge the recipient a fee to accept a payment! Needless to say, consumers in both Canada and the U.S. are not getting their money’s worth.

But good news! Starting this week, Ablii is offering businesses in both Canada and the U.S. cross-border payments for only $5. Yes, you read that right. Regardless of the amount you send, the payment costs only $5 (plus competitive exchange rates) and is completed online. No sign-up fees, no monthly fees, only pay when you use the platform. Goodbye wires, hello freedom.

