5 Helpful Blogging Tips for Boosting Your Traffic

Jegadeesh Vontlin
A bloggersite
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2017

This is a guest contribution from Ryan Biddulph on blogging tips.


I know you want it.

Every blogger wants it.

I used to write for a ghost town. Tumbleweeds flowed through any time I published a new post.

But now things are different.

I drive a pretty sweet volume of traffic to Blogging From Paradise by following each of the tips I share below.

Are you disgusted with getting little or no blog traffic? Maybe you are fed up with being stuck at some traffic sticking point?

Let’s dive into these tips so traffic flows through your blog like rush hour New Delhi traffic.

5 Helpful Blogging Tips:

1: Develop Your Writing Skills

This is the #1 skill to develop if you want to boost your blog traffic.

Skilled writers lay the foundation for attracting increasing traffic through all of the other techniques I mention below.

If you can write, you will easily boost your traffic through various channels, but if you cannot write….nah, not so much.

Write 1000 words daily in a Word document. Just for practice. Trash the document when you are done to detach from your writing.

Following this tip every single day played a huge part in me appearing on some of the most famous blogs on earth like Virgin, Forbes and Entrepreneur.

I was also able to write 126 eBooks by following this practice diligently.

2: Grow an Email List

Email list traffic is traffic on demand.

Imagine if your latest blog post winds up in 200 or 2000 or 20000 email inboxes in seconds or minutes? How much traffic will you generate in seconds or minutes? 100, 1000, or even 5000 visits Read more



Jegadeesh Vontlin
A bloggersite

System Software Engineer @ American Megatrends International