Marketers and technologists failing on push notifications and not aligned

New research shows that organisations feel they are failing when it comes to mobile apps and push notifications. Worse still marketers and technologists have very divergent views on the degree of that failure.

According to a new report from ClickZ Intelligence only 22% of marketers feel their communications infrastructure for delivering mobile apps and push notifications is good or better:

IT professionals seem much more optimistic with over 60% thinking they are succeeding in these areas. But even then, as the chart above shows, these are the areas of communications infrastructure that IT professionals are least confident about.

This is a problem because according to other recent research by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (News Alerts and the Battle for the Lockscreen), of the 7,577 adults surveyed 72% “say they value the notifications they receive and many see alerts as a critical part of the news app proposition.”

As Ably followers know we believe that push notifications are only the beginning of the challenge and quite a blunt tool for communication.

We believe the future is not push notifications, but SMART NOTIFICATIONS:

Any comments welcome as usual!


