ABN AMRO introduces the IBAN-Name Check API powered by SurePay


ABN AMRO Developer Blog
4 min readDec 24, 2021


We are proud to announce the launch of ABN AMRO’s first partner API. As of now, SurePay’s IBAN-Name Check API is available via the ABN AMRO Developer Portal. The IBAN-Name Check verifies if the combination of IBAN and name match with the information registered in the SurePay database. By using this API, you can be sure you pay to the right beneficiary or collect from the right debtor. SurePay is the founder of IBAN-Name Check and is involved in almost all online payments in the Netherlands. Curious about what the API can do for you? Read more about the functionality of the IBAN-Name Check API below.

What is IBAN-Name Check API?

Entering, using, and checking customer data is often labor-intensive for a corporation. By integrating IBAN-Name Check API into your systems, you make your processes more efficient, safer and reduce the risk of fraud. The IBAN-Name Check API has access to 99,5% of Dutch IBAN-Name combinations, so almost every combination can be checked.

Who should use IBAN-Name Check API?

All companies that value efficiency and want to improve the process of entering, using, and checking data. IBAN-Name Check API is a great solution for business clients that want to:

  • Optimize the onboarding process ‘first time right’ while improving the customer journey
  • Do a check of the right beneficiary prior to a payment or a collection from the right debtor
  • Benefit from the feature to check if counterparties have moved to a new bank by means of the Switch Check (in Dutch ‘Overstapservice’)

As shown in the image below, the IBAN-Name Check API can be used in various internal processes:

All company types and sizes can benefit from IBAN-Name Check. The API is well suited for small and medium enterprises as well as large corporates, profit and non-profit. Let’s be honest, you want to focus on growth and automate routine processes as much as possible! Let’s do that together.

Why IBAN-Name Check API at ABN AMRO?

ABN AMRO’s Open Banking ambition is to offer our clients innovative services and products. One way we do this is by offering high-quality API products, so our clients can leverage ABN AMRO’s capabilities and expertise in their own business channels. Next to developing our own API products, we partner up with innovative organizations to search for new ways to serve our clients. The IBAN Name Check API is a result of that ambition.

We are convinced that business clients prefer a one-stop-shop. By hosting the IBAN-Name Check at ABN AMRO’s platform, corporates can directly make use of all relevant APIs without having to move between other portals of providers of APIs. The IBAN- Name Check is easy to combine with our other available APIs:

Besides that, our business clients can be assured of the professional support they have already experienced before, during, and after the implementation of ABN AMRO’s APIs. Not to forget to mention the high-quality API documentation and specifications available on our Developer Portal. Simple, secure, and easy access to all relevant APIs in one hand.

Who is SurePay?

SurePay is the inventor of the IBAN-Name Check. Leveraging SurePays’ unique technology, a variety of solutions are offered to financial institutions, organizations, and businesses across Europe. SurePay continues to develop innovative solutions, releases new services regularly, and is well underway to become the leading European platform for account verification services in online banking and in business processes.

SurePay has grown from a start-up (of a Dutch bank) to a scale-up. Since February 2020 SurePay has moved into an independent legal entity, providing services to banks, (semi) governmental institutions, and other corporates and institutions, in the Netherlands and Europe. On a daily basis, more than 3 million checks are executed with an average response time of 0,1 seconds.

The quality of the database in which SurePay executes the validation is of course of prime importance. Two important and reliable groups of partners ensure the availability of accurate data; the first group consists of almost all of the Dutch banks and the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel).


Excited to see what the IBAN-Name Check could do for your company? Check out the API on our Developer Portal and start experimenting in the Sandbox. For more information about SurePay, see: SurePay



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