Join FutureTech Digital 2021!


ABN AMRO Developer Blog
3 min readMar 18, 2021


On March 24 and 25 (15:30–18:45), FutureTech will take place online. The overall theme of FutureTech is Microsoft technologies. You can expect the best national & international speakers delivering quality content about the hottest IT topics. Tickets are free, so register now! Want to know more about the event and the talk of Michael Bentley from ABN AMRO? Read more below.

Attend Future Tech Digital 2021 to learn all about the newest Microsoft technologies and meet other .NET professionals. This year, the conference will be fully online. Have the experience of a physical event joining the high-quality event platform Future Tech will use. During Future Tech you can enjoy a wide variety of sessions, workshops, keynotes, networking, and much more! Beginner, intermediate, or expert? Future Tech is open for all types of developers.

Must-sees of Future Tech 2021

Future Tech has a real impressive line-up, we have highlighted some must-see talks!


Keynotes are always great to watch. Future Tech will be kicked off with a keynote from Brendan Burns (Wednesday 15:35, room 1): ‘Why should you care about Microservices?’. Brendan Burns is a Corporate Vice President in Microsoft focusing on cloud-native open source and DevOps. His talk is about how the intersection of designing services for agility and reliability also means designing teams for growth and scale.

The second keynote is on Thursday (15:35, room 1): ‘The next decade of Software Development’ by Richard Campbell. Richard is a consultant and advisor to several technology firms and the founder and chairman of Humanitarian Toolbox, a public charity that builds open-source software for disaster relief. His talk will be about how software development will evolve in the 2020s. Join Richard Campbell as he explores the landscape of technology that will have a huge impact on development over the next ten years.

Attention gamers: use .NET to unlock Xbox achievements

Michaël Hompus is a Software Architect and part of several teams, realizing new and innovative solutions, preferable using the Microsoft Cloud. Below the abstract of his talk (Wednesday 18:00, room 1):

While playing the movie trivia game “Scene It?” on my Xbox 360 back in 2007, I had the feeling that with a camera, computer, and some software, it should be much easier to get the correct answers to the questions in the game. But where to start? Fast forward to today: Now I have lots of tools and frameworks at my disposal so I can use all my programming skills to build that application. To finish those achievements that eluded me for so long.

In this session, I will go through the techniques that can be applied. You will see how we can use .NET Core with OpenCV, Azure Custom Vision, ML.NET, Tesseract OCR, and more, to answer every question the game will throw at us.

Talk by ABN AMRO’s expert, Michael Bentley!

Michael Bentley is a Solution Architect and heads the Developer ECO-System group. The group is a platform-agnostic service covering Enterprise Integration, CICD, Monitoring Tooling, as well as Service Management, Tower, and Helpdesk services. His background is rooted in development services. As an evangelist for the adoption of public cloud, and a developer advocate, Michael has been helping teams with their migration to Azure since 2017.

The title of his talks is ‘The versatility of azure native logging & monitoring.’ The talk is about the Azure Monitor, which ABN AMRO has positioned as the target state solution for logging and monitoring. Michael will highlight the challenges with the choices the bank made and describe the solutions being implemented for application End to End Monitoring and Security Monitoring. He will also touch on the ongoing work around Network Monitoring.

Don't miss it!

Convinced? Tickets are free, so register here! Click here to view the full timetable. We hope to see you there!



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