Start experimenting: Business Account Payment-Instant API


ABN AMRO Developer Blog
3 min readMay 6, 2024


Start experimenting in the sandbox environment of our new API: Business Account Payment-Instant. This API can be used to initiate pre-authorized payments straight from your preferred financial application. By integrating this API, the payment initiation process of your payments can become even more easy. The sandbox environment is open for all. So, don’t hesitate! Start experimenting with the API and find out what use case is suitable for your organization.

A new payment API

A few years ago, ABN AMRO launched the Business Account Payment API. This API enables you to initiate payments directly from your financial application without the need to down- and upload the files in an ABN AMRO application. Afterwards, to carry out the payment it needed to be authorized in an electronic banking system. Next to the Business Account Payment API, ABN AMRO has now expanded the payment possibilities with the Business Account Payment-Instant API, where payments can be sent to the bank pre-authorized and will be processed automatically. The functionality to process payments instantly will be added in the near future.

Who is this API intended for?

The Business Account Payment-Instant API enables you to automate the payment flow of your transactions and provides you with the opportunity to optimize your financial value chain by speeding up your initiation process. All companies that process payments can benefit from this API. By embedding the API into your core activities, you can create faster financial processes and increase user experiences by pre-authorizing your payments.

Need for speed

This API is specifically designed for speeding up the initiation and processing of your payments. By integrating the Business Account Payment-Instant API in your financial application, you are able to, for example, authorize SEPA direct debit and credit transfers upfront during the payment initiation. This means you can initiate and authorize payments within the same application without the need to switch to a bank application for additional authorization steps. Your payments will be signed in a safe and secure way by using a JSON Web signature (JWS).

What to expect from the sandbox

Experimenting in a sandbox environment has multiple advantages. You can try out the API’s functionalities, which makes it easier to design your use case and discover how the API fits in your business case or organizational structure. The sandbox environment has a functionality that allows the pre-authorized initiation of payments. This functionality makes it possible to get familiar with the certificate-based signing possibility. As the sandbox environment is not connected to an ABN AMRO payment engine, initiated payments will not actually be processed. The sandbox environment is open for everyone, so start experimenting with the API right away!

Early Access is live!

At this moment, Early Access to the API has been made available. This means that a limited number of clients will have access to the API in the production environment. During the Early Access, the API can be fine tuned to provide you with the best API experience.

For more information about the Business Account Payment Instant API, visit the API Product page. Are you interested to participate in the pilot during the Early Access, leave us a message via the contact form on the ABN AMRO Developer Portal and we are happy to schedule an introduction meeting.



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