Start experimenting with our new API: Business Account Payment


ABN AMRO Developer Blog
3 min readNov 10, 2020


Today, we launch a new API: the Business Account Payment API. This API can be used to initiate payments straight from a financial application, debiting an ABN AMRO business account. This way, manual actions to transfer payment information between applications are no longer necessary.

The API is currently in early access (closed beta), meaning that a select group of clients has access to the API in the production environment. However, the sandbox environment is open for all! So, don’t hesitate, start experimenting with the API and find out what use case is suitable for your organization.

The Business Account Payment API

Initiating payments without a banking tool? Why not! Data integrity combined with efficiency is amazing. So, why would you want to go -all the way- to your internet banking page to type in your payments? This information is already available in your financial application, so why not execute it directly? Manual actions to get this information into another application are error-prone and inefficient. Today, we launch the closed beta for the Business Account Payment API. Use this API to initiate payments straight from your financial application, debiting your own ABN AMRO business account.

Why use this API?

With the Business Account Payment API, you are able to initiate payments directly from your financial application without the need to down- and upload the files in a bank application. This improves security and makes processes leaner, saving you valuable time. The API supports SEPA Credit Transfers, SEPA Direct Debits, and Cross Border payments, so you don’t have to worry about multiple connections for your payments.

Who should use the API?

All companies that value efficiency. Treasurers from larger companies can embed the functionality of this API into their core activities, creating new and better user experiences and fuel leaner internal processes.

But you do not need to be a big company to profit from the additional value that this API can bring. The Business Account Payment API is well suited for small and medium enterprises. Let’s be honest, you want to focus on growth and automate banking as much as possible! Let’s do that together.

Early access (closed beta)

The early access (closed beta) started today, which means that a select group of clients have access to the API in the production environment. Our aim is to open this API to all ABN AMRO business clients as soon as possible. However, the sandbox environment is open for everyone. So, already experimenting with the API is possible!

Want to join the closed beta? Enrollment is open for a limited number of clients. Please send us a message via the contact form with your information and why your company would like to participate in the closed beta. We will let you know if a spot is still open. There are two prerequisites: you must be a business client of ABN AMRO, and you must have development capabilities.

What to expect from the Sandbox

For now, start experimenting in the sandbox! Experimenting in a Sandbox environment has multiple advantages. You can try out the API’s functionalities, which makes it easier to design your use-case and discover how the API fits in your business case. For instance, familiarize yourself with the possible conditions to receive notifications by creating subscriptions (specific condition sets that are stored at ABN AMRO). Next to that, you can experiment with the relationship between the subscriptions and transactions on your ABN AMRO business account.

The Sandbox environment has functionality that allows the initiation of payments. This functionality makes it possible to see what statuses your transactions would trigger. Within the Sandbox, it is only possible to initiate test transactions because the environment is not connected to an ABN AMRO payment engine.

Using the Sandbox to experiment, allows you to become more familiar with the API functionalities and possibilities. Our expectations for this API are high, so start experimenting and tell us what you think!

For more information, click here. Do you want to be informed when the API goes live? Leave us a message via the contact form on the ABN AMRO Developer Portal.



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