After a looong long time…

Aboat Team
Aboat Entertainment
2 min readJul 22, 2022


It’s been quite a while since our last blog post. Partly due to a change in marketing agency and a changed focus on social media entries.

A lot happened since then and I intend to wrap things up in this post. Also we’ll try to make posts more often with the latest updates. But for now, let’s take a look at what happened so far:

  • In february we were able to onboard two new members for aboat entertainment. David Merbitz which also claimed the position as Chief Marketing Manager and Marcel Uhlig who also helps with Marketing.
  • In march we connected with Roman Engel aka Cryptobeard and his Cryptospacefleet Community. Since then Cryptobeard became our advisor and helped us with connections to different parties like KardiaChain.
  • In april we were invited to KardiaChain Hackathon and focused the development around our mobile app alpha and the deployment on KardiaChain Testnet.
  • In june we received the awesome message that our project was selected for the 1st prize in KardiaChain Hackathon.
  • We also released our mobile app alpha on Google Playstore. Apple will need a little more time as they are extremly slow when in comes to verification of an business developer account.
  • To split the business from application we decided to deploy a small business page: where all relevant information around the project and Aboat Entertainment can be found.

These are just the major updates that happened between and of course there is much more going on behind the scene. We try to open our processes, that’s why we decided to restart our blog. Another thing is our new podcast where David (CMO) and Fabian (CEO) are talking about different aspects around Aboat Entertainment. This podcast is currently only in german and can be found here.




