Abolish Daylight Savings: Helping Vitalik Restore Normality

Abolish DLS
Abolish Daylight Savings
3 min readJan 21, 2023

Vitalik is your mystagogue into the timeless world, he will give passage through the realm of twisted broken clocks that is daylight savings, through to the promised land of normality; a place where daylight savings is but a memory.

Abolishing daylight savings time is of utmost importance to Vitalik, so much so that he displays this appeal on his twitter bio

He also tweeted about it in August 2022 https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1558506679830036480

And in November


His quest to end daylight savings is a noble goal, one that we can all related to, who likes having their Circadian Rhythms bent out of shape every year just to conform to a unnecessary system.

Vitalik Needs Your Help

Although Vitalik possesses godlike qualities, he needs help from those stuck in this warped reality, to break this detrimental cycle once and for all!

Holding a Talisman NFT will grant you entry into ‘Abolish: The Game’ matches, giving you a chance to win the ultimate ETH prize and earn passive eth reflections. Abolish tokens are timeless mana and will help you break through the illusory wall of time. Stakers of ABOLISH will receive rewards as mana, distributed from the ABOLISH gaming ecosystem, to help them on their passage through this god forsaken time bound matrix.

Holding a Talisman NFT doesn’t only earn you ETH

As well as being a source of passive income, Talisman NFTs also grant entry into ‘Abolish — The Game’ tournaments. Winners can also be rewarded with SoulBound ‘timeless’ NFTs.

SoulBound NFTs are non-transferrable and act as the governance NFT of the Abolish ecosystem, the more Timeless NFTs bound to a wallet, the more governance power they have. These governance NFTs can not be bought, sold or transferred; and so only the true supporters and active participants in Abolish will have voting rights.


In an enlightening article written by Vitalik, he outlines the benefits of SoulBound NFTs over transferable NFTs in certain situations


*And indeed, a lot of good can come from charity NFTs alone. But what if we want to create NFTs that are not just about who has the most money, and that actually try to signal something else?*

This is truly a problem a lot of projects face with transferable governance tokens, when something is of great demand it is at risk of being dominated by the rich; a crypto oligarchy.

As Vitalik states in his article, there are two main reasons for soulbound governance tokens:

If the goal is for governance power to be widely distributed, then transferability is counterproductive as concentrated interests are more likely to buy the governance rights up from everyone else.

If the goal is for governance power to go to the competent, then transferability is counterproductive because nothing stops the governance rights from being bought up by the determined but incompetent.

Abolish — The Game

After years of the swings of daylight savings, the townsfolk began to descend into madness, the cause of this delirium no one quite knew. Until a wise sage named Vitalik ‘The Mad Hatter’ Buterin diagnosed the problem, it was an issue of time! Abolish daylight savings and leap seconds and be free!

Abolish is a first person shooter game, where you are pit against your opponents in a trigger happy scuttle to reset the most clocks. The winner of each match is granted a soulbound non-transferrable ‘timelessness’ governance NFT. Holders of Timelessness NFTs will have voting power on DAO decisions regarding the direction of Abolish.

