Abolish: ‘The Hour is Upon Us’ and Tokenomics

Abolish DLS
Abolish Daylight Savings
6 min readJan 24, 2023

Time. There are a lot of sayings about time. It waits for no man. It heals all wounds. Time is money. As if any one saying could truly grasp the enormity of it all. The truth is that time is an animal, a wild bucking bronco set into motion with the rest of the Universe during the Big Bang. Most people think that it can be tamed, that the act of observing it is enough to make it do what you want. Most people are fools.

A new understanding of time was developed after observations were made on Daylight Savings Time wreaking havoc on Earth. This created strange phenomena which led to what came to be dubbed as ‘Rogue Zones,’ areas where different spaces and time periods overlapped. The Zones caused havoc on Earth for many years, with some of them appearing in close proximity to one another, which left huge swathes of land inaccessible.

It took many lost lives and years of research, but eventually a godlike being was discovered in the Rogue Zones named Vitalik, an entity which claimed to represent Time itself. Humanity’s use of Daylight Savings Time has angered it, so now Time is fighting back. If nothing is done, the entire Earth will become a Rogue Zone, where the laws of physics and reality will no longer imply.

When madness becomes the order of the day, people must embrace madness to survive. With Daylight Savings continuing to destroy humanity’s circadian rhythm, a new service came into being: clock smashing. Through trial and error, people discovered that destroying clocks inside the Rogue Zones would cause reality to snap back to what it was before, since the clocks are representative of humanity’s connection to and observation of Time. Clock smashing becomes a highly coveted job, even though part of the job entails going into Rogue Zones and risking your life to save humanity.

Because of how desirable the job is, competition and infighting are incredibly common among clock smashers. When one is trained as a clock smasher, you’ll be taught how to fend off your colleagues more so than you are taught how to actually smash a clock.

Despite the cutthroat nature of being a clock smasher, humanity stands united in support of them. The war with Time has put things into perspective, like how precious moments should be cherished. Because of the fact that Rogue Zones came about due to Daylight Savings Time, a new slogan arose: ‘Abolish Daylight Savings.’ With every clock smashed, humanity’s hope for a better, saner world gets a little bit stronger.

Vitalik ‘Talisman’ NFTs — Recruiting Clock Smashers

In ‘The Hour is Upon Us’, the fight against Daylight Savings and the Rogue Zones requires a dedicated and skilled team of clock smashers. And that’s where you come in. By obtaining a Vitalik ‘Talisman’ NFT, you are being recruited to join the ranks of the time-abolishing army and take on the dangerous task of restoring order to the Rogue Zones. Talisman NFTs serve as a symbol of your commitment to the cause and your willingness to risk it all for the greater good. As a member of the time-abolishing army, you will have the opportunity to use your skills and determination to make a real impact on the fate of humanity.

Talisman and SoulBound NFT Utilities

Talisman NFTs serve as playable characters in ‘ ‘The Hour is Upon Us’, winning matches in The Hour is Upon Us gives you the opportunity to be granted a SoulBound ‘Timeless’ NFT — These non-transferable NFTs serve a few purposes:

Timeless SoulBound NFT Utilities:

- As governance tokens of Abolish: Holders of Timeless SoulBound NFTs have a say in the development of Abolish.

- For each Timeless NFT which is bound to your wallet address, you can supercharge any chosen playable NFT in your collection. By supercharging an NFT, a reflections multiplier of 1.5x will be applied to the NFT, giving you bonus reflections (distributed from the ‘The Hour is Upon Us’ revenue). By supercharging your NFT character, you also unlock exclusive skins only available to supercharged NFTs.

Vitalik ‘Talisman’ NFT Utilities

  • Playable characters: The only way to help Vitalik on his mission to Abolish Daylight savings is to possess a Talisman NFT. Possessing a Talisman NFT will grant you entry into ‘The Hour is Upon Us’, wager based tournament rounds. The winner of a tournament receives the accumulated wager prizes and a chance at being bestowed with a SoulBound Timeless NFT.
  • Reflections: Holders of Talisman NFTs receive a share in 40% of the ‘The Hour is Upon Us’ revenue, distributed as reflections.
  • Holders of Talisman NFTs also go into the running for community giveaways such as merchandise and more.
  • Secondary Market Royalties: 4% of revenue from secondary sales is airdropped to the original minters of Talisman NFTs (with 2% going to the Abolish treasury)

$HOUR Token Utilities

Hour is the utility token of the Abolish ecosystem, holders of Abolish are spoilt with benefits.

  • Staking: Stakers of HOUR will receive staking bonuses, distributed from ‘The Hour is Upon Us’ revenue. 30% of revenue from ‘The Hour is Upon Us’ is distributed to stakers of HOUR.
  • Only stakers of HOUR will be eligible to win SoulBound Timeless NFTs in ‘The Hour is Upon Us’ tournament matches. The more you stake, the more chance you have of receiving a Timeless NFT after winning a tournament match.
  • Character skins can be attained through depositing HOUR as skin collateral, the HOUR deposited as collateral will only be returned to the user after Abolishing (burning) the skin.
  • When Talisman NFT minting goes live, 50% of the cost of the NFT will be paid in HOUR, which is burnt, reducing HOURs circulating supply.

The Hour Is Upon Us

Players take on the role of clock smashers, tasked with the mission of restoring order to the Rogue Zones. “The Hour is Upon Us” is based around Vitaliks twitter bio mentioning “Abolish daylight savings time and leap seconds”

Compete against opponents to reset the time on as many clocks as you can. The player who resets the most clocks, wins a jackpot prize and a soulbound governance NFT. (A soulbound governance NFT can not be transferred or sold and is bound to the owners wallet for eternity.)

Players must strategize and compete to outdo their opponents by resetting the most clocks. To gain an edge, players can use their skills to knock down or shoot down other players, preventing them from resetting more clocks. A number hovers over the head of each player, indicating the number of clocks they have reset, so players can easily identify and target their biggest rivals.

The styling for the game is inspired by Alice in Wonderland and old Victorian times, with a fantastical and whimsical aesthetic.

Wager Distribution

‘The Hour is Upon Us’ is a wager based tournament style game. The entry fee into each tournament match goes into the prize pool. The wagers are distributed as follows:

80% of wagers are put up as tournament prize money

20% of wagers are distributed accordingly:

30% goes to Abolish project treasury

30% go to holders of ABOLISH (need to stake)

40% goes to holders of Vitalik Talisman NFTs

