Mental Health

Monitoring Mental Health in Young Adults

What to look out for and where to get help if you need it.

Mental Health and Addictions Community
4 min readMar 2, 2021


Mental Health is one of the greatest casualties of the current pandemic. Not just our mental health, but that of our children. In 2017 over 682 children, aged between 10–29 took their own life. Statistics for this time have not been released. It is evident though that mental health has been affected, in all ages, as we live in lockdown.

Poor mental health will affect all aspects of your life. Your resilience levels will become lower. You will find it harder to work, concentrate or support others.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. You need to be well yourself to support others.

Risk Factors to Youth Mental Health

These can primarily be divided into three categories, the first being family. Family can have both a positive and negative effect on the mental health of young people. Some families will have their mental health to check. A parent with mental health issues can be a great support to a young person experiencing similar problems. It is also true that being a young carer can affect the mental health of young people.



Sam H Arnold
Mental Health and Addictions Community

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