New Tauba Auerbach Solo Show & Economic Performance Piece at 303 Gallery

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3 min readJan 14, 2016

Art shows you can’t miss this week in New York. We pick only 3.

Highlight: Sarah Meyohas’ performance piece at 303 Gallery (303 Gallery).

1. Tauba Auerbach @ Paula Cooper Gallery
January 9 — February 13

(Paula Cooper Gallery)

Tauba Auerbach’s solo show, Projective Instrument, showcases new paintings and sculptures that examine the dynamic and possibly difficult relationship between multidimensional subject matter and the constricted media in which an artist attempts to represent it. Using Claude Bragdon’s 1915 treatise Projective Ornament — which outlined a system for drawing four-dimensional ornament on a two-dimensional plane — as a point of departure, Auerbach “empowers projective geometry and recasts Ornament as Instrument, thereby rendering it an active tool rather than mere representation.” Her new works attempt to break down the boundaries between dimensional distinctions to empower art as primordial creation, not merely a form of representation.

On view at 534 West 21st Street, New York, NY.

You can find works from Tauba Auerbach now, on

2. Sarah Meyohas @ 303 Gallery
January 9 — January 30

(303 Gallery)

Sarah Meyohas began her current performance at 303 Gallery on January 8, trading stocks on the New York Stock Exchange from 1–4pm, Tuesday through Friday. Once she affects a stock’s valuation, she announces and records the change in stock price with oil stick on canvas. Thus she is creating a gestural record of both her own and her stocks’ movements, before her viewers’ very eyes. She will continue this performance until January 18th, after which the resulting paintings will remain on display in the gallery until the 30th.

On view at 507 West 24th Street, New York, NY.

3. Jonathan Lasker @ Cheim & Read
January 7 — February 13

(Cheim & Read)

Lasker’s new body of paintings on display at Cheim & Read continue his characteristic examination into the nature of painting itself. His arrangement of abstract elements creates uncanny, ambiguous “pictures,” decisive enough to affect viewers while vague enough to resist specific categorization. Thus he challenges viewers’ reactions to and understanding of how painted works are constructed and automatically perceived. In his own words, his works seek to, “make the viewer see him or herself in the act of viewing,” drawing attention to, “how we construct a picture in our mind.”

On view at 547 West 25th Street, New York, NY.

This post was written with the help of Alice Mahoney, from



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