Cal State fullerton gradutes (photo by cal state fullerton on flickr)

So I graduated college: Now what?


Tim Worden
About College
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2013


I did it! I … did it?

I graduated college in four years, amassing a pretty well-rounded resume I the process. I wrote for my school newspaper, interned at the local newspaper and worked part-time at a library while juggling two majors.

But, as I’ve learned in the past three weeks since graduating, a j-degree (journalism degree) doesn’t guarantee a job. It’s just the first step.

So now I’m looking. I found one cool place that’s hiring so I’m waiting to hear back. (If someone happens to come across this post while combing through my online writings since I applied at your company, then hello, good morning, have a great day!) But I’ve found there’s slim pickings for entry-level journalism jobs even in the Los Angeles area.

So, now I’m part of those 7.8 percent of recent journalism graduates who are unemployed, according to a study by Georgetown University.

But I am thankful to have a chance to sit back and relax after a non-stop college experience. I am taking this time to do what I love most: read! I have a stack of nearly a dozen books to read. Currently it’s a history of the NSA, the foreign spy agency that has come up I the news recently for the allegations of a do domestic wiretapping-on-steroids program. Next up is a few comic books.

Anyway, I like how medium is very modern, so far it seems to be a nice writing website. Maybe I’ll finally start that fantasy novel…



Tim Worden
About College

Freelance journalist and videographer, interested in telling stories. recent @csuf grad.