ForSet is 1 year old!

Nino Macharashvili
About ForSet
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2018

Why ForSet? We get this asked a lot when talking about the journey that our team started a year ago.

We have come up with a few versions of how to answer this question, like “we use four different sets of skills in our work, such as design, development, research and storytelling”, or “we are a team-oriented organization and it is all for the “set” — as the synonym of “team”, etc.

The reality is that naming our organization after ForSet was a very spontaneous decision — we needed a short and vibrant name, with simple spelling both in Georgian and English, easy to remember and yet not sounding like any other name. And here it was — ForSet — shorter version of Forseti — a name of the Justice God in the Scandinavian mythology that our friend found for us through Googling.

Named after the Scandinavian Justice God, we are building a new type of organization with the culture of full openness and transparency, honest relations and communications, constant experimentation and improvements, encouraged curiosity, failures turned into learnings, and unconditional love for the work we do.

What we do is to try and make a difference — build a better world by communications with data, technology and design. We are making data, evidence and complex knowledge accessible for many people through data storytelling, teaching, building tools and getting others on board to do the same. And we enjoy every single minute of this work!

Celebrating ForSet’s first anniversary, I would like to take the chance and express my sincere gratitude towards the founders of ForSet, the team members who joined our adventure, our partners who believed in us and supported us since the very beginning of our existence, and ForSet’s friends — people who share their advice, knowledge, ideas, and even criticism with us while expecting nothing in return. We appreciate this a lot!

Looking back to the past 12 months, it feels like a lifetime, but more is yet to come.

May you want to join our journey and follow the stories of our future successes, ambitious dreams and achievements, failures and disappointments, ups and downs, stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on facebook, twitter, and medium. And do not hesitate to get in touch!



Nino Macharashvili
About ForSet

data & communications. co-founder & director @ForSet. founding board member @DigiComNet. founder & team lead @DataFestTbilisi | formerly@JumpStartGeorgia.