Got Africa-Inspired? Share it!

Come share the Africa-related stories that inspire you.

Kamon Ayeva
Got Africa-Inspired: About the project


We have built a site to collect inspiring stories about Africa. Here are the motivations behind this.

Spreading the word about positive facts. While our lives contain both positive and negative stuff, the choice here is to focus on the positive side. The negative does not need us ; it easily finds its way to get exposed, specially with the way media works.

We want to have a tool for Education about life achievement and success. A tool for inspiring the next generations, for helping them get confident, and understand that they too can be part of awesome stories.

Doing our part for the decentralized web. I felt twitter was flawed in a way, in its own awesomeness. There needs to be places on the web with hand-crafted content, with another rythm of information flow. Places where things are slowed down… like a lounge bar compared to a club. Places where you can (re)consume news and stories available the previous weeks or months. We act upon this understanding, by maintaining an independant, community-contributed, selection of stories.

Here is how you can send us inspiring stories

If you use GitHub, you can head to the project’s issue tracker and propose a story. The rule is to provide a title, at the minimum a 5-10 lines summary, the link to a Youtube video that best illustrates the story, and any link that give additional information.

In addition, we are preparing a second channel for submitting stories using Medium. We will let you know as soon as it is ready.

You can also get in touch and share ideas via twitter.

