Announcing a Leap Forward for GlassFrog

Brian Robertson
HolacracyOne Blog
4 min readJan 20, 2017


A challenge we hear from many organizations is, “How can I get our team up to speed on the Holacracy system as quickly as possible?”

Like learning a new sport, Holacracy has a set of moves that can take time and practice to master. Over the years, we’ve built a rich set of tools and techniques to support organizations through that journey, yet most of them have only been available to our consulting clients thus far. To enable more people to benefit from that experience, we’ve been working hard on a major upgrade to GlassFrog, our cloud-based Holacracy software tool.

It’s my pleasure to announce three major changes to GlassFrog (or watch our announcement event here):

  • A new Holacracy® Habits Support Program for building key Holacracy behaviors.
  • New ways to get real-time support from Holacracy experts: Office Hours and Live Chat.
  • Lower pricing to make GlassFrog’s premium features more accessible to more organizations: premium is now only $6 per user.

The Holacracy® Habits Support Program

One of the new features available now to our GlassFrog users on the Premium Plan is our Holacracy Habits Support Program. This program delivers bite-size lessons to build the skills and habits essential to Holacracy practice, such as how to effectively process tensions, and how to shift from personal to role-based power.

The program is also designed to deepen skills for folks who are further along in their Holacracy practice. And it offers help for those stepping into special roles for the first time, such as Lead Link or Facilitator. We’ve got a core program in place now, and we’re in the process of adding specialized modules for additional learning needs.

Now, whenever a new team member joins the organization, GlassFrog can help onboard them by teaching the core Holacracy skills and habits they need. In addition, GlassFrog administrators can launch a whole team or the entire organization on a skill-building module at the same time. This creates a powerful group dynamic and friendly competition around Holacracy habit development. For example, picture your whole team practicing the skill of identifying tensions right when they show up, and supporting each other in finding trusted tools to capture those until they can resolve them.

We’ve used this habit-building program in our client support engagements over the past year, and we know first-hand how powerful it can be. And now it’s part of GlassFrog, at no additional cost beyond your Premium subscription.

Expanded Options for Real-Time Support

Would it be helpful to have easy access to a seasoned Holacracy coach when you feel stuck on a Holacracy process, or have a question about how to get something done? Our new Holacracy Office Hours offer a way for your team members to get real-time support from our experts on questions and issues that are challenging their Holacracy practice. Office Hours sessions will be offered regularly and are included in the benefits of our Premium Plan.

Live Chat Support for Premium users

We’ve also recently improved many of our customer support processes and target service levels, and increased the attention we’re allocating to our GlassFrog Customer Support role. And we’re pleased to announce a new support channel: GlassFrog users on a Premium Plan will now have access to Live Chat to get help using the GlassFrog software. All of that means you’ll get better support from us than ever before, and support that can help improve your Holacracy practice — backed by the expertise we’ve built over many years of helping companies make the shift to a Holacracy-powered organization.

New Lower Pricing

As the official Holacracy companion tool, GlassFrog is used by over a thousand organizations and tens of thousands of Holacracy practitioners. It already makes their journey faster, easier, and more powerful — now more than ever with our new Holacracy Habits and Office Hours.

GlassFrog premium is now $6 per user instead of $9

Yet, we know GlassFrog’s price has held some organizations back. We’ve offered a totally free version for the past year to support more price-sensitive organizations and we’ll continue to do so. But we want to go beyond that and lower the barrier to our Premium features, which we hope will increase the success rate for organizations adopting Holacracy on a limited budget. So, as of February 1st, we’re lowering the price of a GlassFrog Premium subscription by 33%. You can now get all of our Premium features for only $6 per user per month. And if you’re using another tool for your Holacracy records already, we’re happy to migrate your data over to GlassFrog for you — just contact our awesome Customer Support team and they’ll take care of you.

I’m excited about these new changes to GlassFrog, and about what they can do to help more organizations thrive in their Holacracy journey. I hope you’ll give them a try and let us know what impact they have, and how we can make them even better going forward!

Next steps?

Sign up for GlassFrog:
Get help adopting Holacracy:

Watch the recording of the live announcement event:



Brian Robertson
HolacracyOne Blog

Entrepreneur, organization-builder, & recovering CEO; founder of Holacracy: