📘 Learn from a new Holacracy Kickstart Guide packed with tools for success

Aimee Groth
HolacracyOne Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2023
Photo by Nicole Wolf on Unsplash

What inspires leaders to forgo traditional hierarchies in favor of self-management? Over the last 15+ years working with visionary change-makers, we’ve learned that many want freedom from decision-making overwhelm and desire to unleash creativity to remove bottlenecks. Ambiguity often results in gridlock and the tyranny of indecision ⏳

Whether your goal is to run a fully self-organizing company or simply implement select tools to enhance self-management practices, the first step to real change involves bringing deeper awareness to the current reality, systems, processes, and often-subtle relational agreements that dictate unspoken team dynamics 👥

In the push to drive change, some leaders attempt to skip over an essential reflective step — and inadvertently undermine their efforts!

In his newly launched e-book, Holacracy Kickstart Guide: A roadmap to initial structuring, Holacracy Master Coach Chris Cowan, Ed.D., M.Div., provides practical tools to unearth this essential step and evaluate fit, allowing the leader to set the success perimeters before embarking on this journey 📊 Through examples and intuitive frameworks, Chris illuminates the path to bring about greater organizational clarity, the foundation for a thriving self-management practice. When role clarity is high, individuals can make decisions more confidently and efficiently, solving bottlenecks at every level.

Effective structure & habits: to drive effective change 🚀

With this newfound awareness and deeper insight into the mechanics of an organization, you can more easily assess the behavioral patterns and ways of relating that reinforce bottlenecks and ambiguity, for example. These are the very human, sometimes messy pieces that can be uncomfortable to evaluate! Again, it’s tempting to skip this step, but it actively clarifies what you are moving away from as you embrace the mindset shifts required to operate in a self-managed environment. This process of inquiry involves individual and interpersonal dimensions 🧑‍💻👩🏽‍💻 The Behavioral Change Stairway Model illustrates how authentic human connection makes up the “foundational building blocks” for individual and organizational change:

If you’re interested in learning more about “How to Upgrade to Self-Management in 5 Building Blocks,” join Holacracy founder Brian Robertson for a free 45-minute webinar on Nov. 7 at 10 AM US Pacific Time 💻 It’s a great complement to the Kickstart Guide. Reserve your spot today!

