About Me — Kelly Eden

11 Things I’d Tell You if We Met in Real Life

Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach
About Me Stories


Me and my husband on a glacier in New Zealand

I can tell I’m going to like you already. You’re the kind of person who reads “About Me” stories and that says a lot about you.

If we met in real life, these are the things I might share with you. Perhaps we have some in common?

1. There’s something about people’s stories

What do you do when you meet new people? I try and find out as much about them as I can. If we met in real life, I’d happily sit and listen to as many stories as you wanted to tell me.

One of my favorite things about being a writer is hearing people’s stories. I wouldn’t ask, “what do you do?” I’d ask “how do you fill your days?” I’d rather hear about what makes you spark than what your job is. Unless of course, like me, your job is also your passion (lucky us!).

Author’s own photo

2. Skip the weather

If you want to talk about your divorce, or how you’re feeling about losing your parent last year, that’s fine with me. I was raised by a therapist and a pastor; I was a suicide hot-line counselor for a while; I’m used to…



Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach
About Me Stories

New Zealand-based essayist | @ Business Insider, Mamamia, Oh Reader, Thought Catalog, ScaryMommy and more. Say hi at https://becauseyouwrite.substack.com/