5 Morning Habits That Will Transform You In 21 Days

Time to give yourself a shot at satisfaction in life.

Kelvin Stark
About Me Stories
5 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Any decision for personal transformation begins with the choices we make at the start of each day.

Developing positive morning habits can surely improve your overall well-being and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

How To Start A Morning Routine

Starting a morning routine is simple. just create a short schedule for the morning, beginning with the moment you wake up. experiment with different orders of activities to find out what works best for you.

5 Powerful Morning Habits That Can Transform Your Life

1# Sensory Awakening

This will engage your senses to gradually move from sleep to wakefulness. immediately upon waking. spend a few moments with your eyes closed, paying attention to the sound around you.

slowly open your eyes and take in the natural light, allowing your body to adjust to the awakening environment.

doing this kind of sensory awakening every day will stimulate the release of hormones like serotonin.

It will put you in a positive mood and enhance your alertness. this morning routine of sensory awakening will also help to regulate your sleep pattern.

2# Spending 15 Minutes On The Mat

Once you motivate yourself to get on the mat, there are so many yogic techniques that you can do to energize yourself early in the morning.

I would suggest 3 techniques

1. Tratak

you can do a simple technique like gazing at the candle flame for some time.

this kriya is not only good for strengthening your eyes in the morning. but it also improves your concentration.

sit in any meditative posture, keep a candle stand, at the distance of one hand from you.

Now gently inhale and exhale. and then close your eyes. slowly open your eyes and start gazing at the candle’s flame. look at the flame naturally. don’t widen your eyes. moment some water comes into your eyes. close your eyes. Now sit for some time.

Focus on your breath. then rub your palms. make your palm warm. and then cup your eyes. cupped eyes open your eyes and look here are there. right, left, up, and down. close, open, close, open. do all that and then relax your head.

2. Parvatasana

you can sit in any meditative pose, either sukhasana or padmasana with your back straight. the variation of this asana brings flexibility to your spine in the morning. it will also exercise your inactive waist zone. it would tone your belly muscles.

Extend both hands on your side gently while inhalation raise your both arms up at the top of your head and join your hands in namaste form. hold your hands for 6 seconds. this is an upward pull and then slowly turn your palms outward and from the side, bring your arms back to normal position. so this is one variation of parvatasana.

Now, the other variation could be, once you join your hands above your head, then go to the side bend your, then inhale and blend on the right side.

Exhale, and come back to the center. inhale go to the other side. exhale back to the center. inhale, bend back. exhale, bend forward. inhale, and come up again. exhale, twist your spine. inhale, come back. exhale, and twist your other side. inhale, come back.

So these are the variations of parvatasana.

And it would help exercising the entire spine.

3. Bhastrika

bhastrika is a pranayama that can really energize your entire body and mind.

It would increase your vital lung capacity and oxygenate your body thoroughly to prepare you for the day ahead. sit in any meditative posture be sukhasana or padmasana, keep both hands on your thighs, spine erect look in front of you.

now, focus on your breath. first, inhale and exhale normally. and then forcefully inhale and exhale.

when you are doing this, try and move your abdominal muscles also in and out. so while exhaling, the stomach goes in while inhaling stomach comes up.

so this movement and fast breathing together really helps energizing your system.

3# Inspirational Reading

This will fill your mind with positivity and motivation, whether it is a quote a passage from a book or a affirmation.

starting your day with such uplifting words can really be helpful. every day choose some quote or some book that would be resonating in your mind.

Take a few minutes each morning to read and reflect on inspirational content. Reading such inspirational material in the morning actually triggers the release of a hormone called dopamine. This is a feel-good hormone. this will enhance your mood and motivate you for the whole day.

4# The One Minute Rule

The one-minute rule is a simple but powerful habit. It involves tackling small tasks immediately. In this way, you will be able to prevent procrastination and identify small tasks that take one minute or less to complete like tidying up your workspace.

When you complete such a small task immediately it will give you a sense of accomplishment. It will also improve your mood and boost your motivation. this habit also prevents the accumulation of minor stressful tasks. so at the end of the day, it continues to improve overall well-being.

5# Connect With Nature

being with nature in the morning will bring a sense of amazing feeling. spend time outdoors, maybe the garden, park, or simply observe the sunrise, allocate a few minutes each morning, especially to connect with nature.

Do activities like walking, meditating in open outdoor settings, and connecting with nature just improve your vitality. exposure to natural light in the morning will also regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep.

What If You Fail To Stick To Your Morning Routine?

  • Practice Self-Compassion — change takes time.
  • Review benefits — remember why you started.
  • Reset the next day — don’t dwell on lapses.
  • Adjust as needed — modify habits that aren’t working.

with commitment and experimentation, your morning routine can be a pillar of wellness and productivity!

So include these five morning habits for 21 days and see the difference. you will find yourself a more balanced and fulfilling life. starts these habits today and see the positive outcome of these habits.



Kelvin Stark
About Me Stories

I am writing about weight loss, nutrition, and self improvement.🏋️🤸 I hope you fall in love with my words ❤️.