About Me — Ana Maria Radulescu

Certified bookworm, new writer, hopeful dreamer, passionate traveler, cat lover, life enthusiast

A.M. Radulescu
About Me Stories


yours truly


Hi there! I’m Ana Maria Radulescu, but I go by A.M.Radulescu, a subconscious nod to the Potterhead within me. As a teenager, I used to spend most of my money on fantasy and Sci-Fi books. Even back then my dream was to one day see my name on a library display. And even though life took a different course for about 15 years I never forgot that yearning, and I never stopped reading. I guess other things needed to happen first, to mold me into the person I am today and for that journey, I will always be grateful.


I was born in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, a medium-sized country in Eastern Europe. As an only child raised by my grandparents in a small mountain town until I was old enough to start school and join my parents, I grew surrounded by nature, in a tranquil environment, conducive to constant day-dreaming. And boy, did I daydream. Phasing out for minutes on end and driving grandma nuts, because a particular flower inspired me and sparked my imagination, pulling me in an in-between of creation. Day-to-day life was beautiful, but the worlds I envisioned were wondrous and full of fantasy. In them, all questions found an…



A.M. Radulescu
About Me Stories

Certified bookworm, published author, hopeful dreamer, advertising professional. Writing about life and self-growth. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JRJ3P5T