About Me — AbbeySnails

A casual writer living in her own, unique world.

AbbeySnails 🐌
About Me Stories


AbbeySnails? What an odd pen name. Indeed it is quite a peculiar name. It is actually a nickname passed down to me by my uncle when I was a little girl. Why does he call me that? I wish I knew. I never thought to inquire because I like how catchy it sounds. If I had to guess I think it would be due to the fact that I am a shy, slow, and cautious person.

Photo of the author.

Who Am I

I detest “About Me” essays. I detest being asked this question in interviews. I detest being asked this in a classroom. I detest speaking about myself. It is not uncommon for an introvert to despise being the center of attention; however, it's not bad or boastful to inform a person as to who you are. It is human nature to be noisy. Ah, the correct word would be inviting.

I want to thank the many interviews I had during the pandemic that has made me a master at answering such a question.

I am in my mid-twenties just now starting my professional journey in tech. It seems the older I get I turn towards more nostalgia. Maybe it's because I am not ready to let go or I just genuinely enjoy the joys of my childhood. I have been reduced to a casual gamer that finds more pleasure in collecting and playing retro games. I may not play hours and hours of gaming as I use to in the past, but video games still play a huge part in my life. I would like to one day write about my relationship with video games during the lockdown and during grief. A story indeed for another day.

I wish I could answer who I am more thoroughly, but during the Pandemic, I believe it was another phase of my life where I learned something new about myself. I am a strangely curious human being, thus why I have many interests, and it was baffling to witness that I am more than just the socially awkward girl that loves video games. Everyone in my circle is aware of this. They are aware of my love for art, design, literature, and writing. Now, I enjoy exercise, makeup, fashion, meditation, health, self-love practices, and watching documentaries about everything. The only good thing out of this lockdown was rediscovering myself and learning to love me. Also another story I would love to share.

So who am I? I’m still a work in progress.

What Brings Me Here?

Ah well, I actually really enjoy writing. As a child, I would write my own stories. I even wrote and drew a substantial comic inspired by the book series (and once an animated show) W.I.T.C.H. Suppose that series is still in bookstores, I recommend the series to share with your little ones. I was very proud of that comic up until my father cleared out the garage and threw it out. Writing always brings itself into my life. It’s not a skill I ever considered wanting to use in my professional career. In school, I enjoyed writing because I deemed it an easy A. Writing was another way to express myself in my free time, but I still thought nothing of it. It was just another hobby I thought. In high school, I took my first creative writing class and I think this was when I actually fell in love with writing. In college, I would fit creative writing classes into my schedule and I accepted taking those extra credit hours even though it would cost me my sleep. I honestly should’ve made writing my minor now thinking about it.

During the pandemic, I considered countless times starting a blog to just write every little experience or thought I was going through at the time. Though, I am my own worst critic. I was very certain no one wanted to read what it was I would be writing. Now, it just sounds silly, but I was at my lowest point during those last two years.

This year, I told myself it was my year to love myself more and be more confident in every little thing that I do. On this platform, I will write what I want to write and grow as a writer. Writing may be more of a pass time activity, but I still want it to be a precious part of my life. I was given this love and skill to write and I should embrace it abundantly.

It’s Nice To Meet You

This may not be the best “About Me” entry, but I am still grateful if you made it this far. I will be posting whatever comes to my mind; on my own personal blog. I believe I have a lot to write about and I don’t want to restrict myself. I hope to make some connections here and share our stories together. I think this platform and community are the perfect places in starting this chapter of my life. Thank you for reading this, and you’ll definitely be seeing the name AbbeySnails. Perhaps you’ll learn more about me.



AbbeySnails 🐌
About Me Stories

Black Woman In Tech | Artist | Gamer | Casual Writer | (Un)Influencer