About Me — Abishaik Mohan

Software Engineer, Blogger & a Tech Mentor.

Abishaik Mohan
About Me Stories
4 min readDec 15, 2020


Photo by Author

Hello Everyone — I’m Abishaik! So a couple of weeks back, Quy Ma, who’s the owner of the pub, suggested me to submit an introduction about myself to the publication and I’m really excited that I finally got the chance to do so!

I’m sure most of us would have experienced the difficulty of answering this question, especially during the interviews, but writing it down gives us an opportunity to streamline our thoughts much better. So, here’s the story of a 23-year-old kid :).

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Born in the Southern part of India, Chennai, I was raised mostly around the heart of India. You’d be amazed to hear but this is actually true! I had to shift my schools six times within six years, which meant shifting to a new school for each grade until I was finally in the fifth grade. Thereafter, we moved back again to Chennai as my dad was nearing his retirement.

I grew up as a studious guy who managed to get first ranks in his junior and high school and also managed to get into a Tier-1 college where I again graduated as a gold medalist in Computer Science.

Things grew drastically different over time. In retrospect, I couldn’t have been more grateful to the Almighty for having provided me the privilege to enjoy my childhood so thoroughly (I still am a kid, really!).

“Sometimes, it’s better to bunk a class and enjoy with friends, because now, when I look back, marks never make me laugh, but memories do.” — Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

As soon as I graduated from high school, I knew that my future was in something which revolved around Computer Science. This led me to absolutely fall in love with futuristic technologies.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

I often spent my time dabbling in a new tech only to forget it later since I didn’t realize the potential of implementing it practically. Those days are long gone now, thanks to the consistent mistakes!

Apart from tech, I love public speaking and mentoring students. I’ve given talks as an undergrad on various occasions, be it a workshop, seminar, or webinar. I also co-founded a technical club during my college where we helped bridge the gap between the Industry and Academia.

My passion for writing started as soon as I realized how it strengthened my understanding of concepts more effectively. My hobbies include traveling and reading books. I used to be a voracious reader back at school but the frequency soon vanished :(.

“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” — Robert Frost

You also might want to check my other articles on Technology and Life.

After graduating from college, I joined Extreme as a fresher where I currently work as a Software Engineer during the day and spend the rest of my time developing products. I have a burning desire to be an Entrepreneur someday and help others in their journey as well :).

My own and favorite quote —

“Innovate something that creates a dent in the Universe and is for the good.” — Abishaik Mohan

As 2020, a year filled with shocks comes to an end, I’m excited to see where 2021 takes us and what it has got in store. I hope you are so too!

Thanks for reading till the end of the post! If you liked my writing, just hit the follow button on Medium to recieve more such updates. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and come say 👋.

Have a wonderful day!

