About Me — Adam Hillis

Fellow family man helping you be a better husband and father

Adam Hillis
About Me Stories


Me at my son’s kindergarten party

Welcome to my profile page! My name is Adam Hillis.

I write to encourage, inspire, and equip family men so their wives don’t leave them and their kids won’t hate them.

Why I Write What I Write

My wife and I had a rough beginning to our marriage. I imagine similar to most people.

As the years progressed, things got a little “less rough.” We went from about 10 big fights a year to 8, to 5, and then to about 3 fights a year. However, those 3 fights were EPIC.

The amount lessened, but the explosion size grew. I think we learned to keep things in better as the years went by. So once it finally boiled over, a lot more crap had piled up by that point.

But after 15+ years of marriage and three kids (two boys (9 & 8) and a girl (4)), we’ve learned some things. The fights are even less, and the blow ups are small or non-existent. We’ve grown and continue to grow — both as a couple and as individuals.

It’s out of my variety of experiences that I write to encourage, inspire, and equip other family men. Growing in my roles as an individual, a husband, and a father, naturally makes my marriage and family better. You can do…



Adam Hillis
About Me Stories

Crafting educational email courses for coach/creators || Coaching men to connect w/ their wife & kids, and themselves || I juggle marriage, kids, and words