About Me — Adam Mayhew

Helping you be on your A-Game.

Adam Mayhew
About Me Stories
3 min readFeb 9, 2024


Image owned by Author

Hello, readers and writers, my name is Adam Mayhew. I’m High-Performance Coach and Registered Nutritional Therapist. I own a health and performance company helping high achievers transform their health and mindset. Prior to this, I worked in IT and business operations for 14 years.

6 years ago I made one simple decision that transformed not only my entire life but my entire world…I stopped drinking alcohol.

I was a “mid-lane” drinker. Someone who would maybe have a few drinks during the week and then drink in excess most weekends. On the outside, I had it all…a loving relationship, a successful career, a house, a nice car etc. But on the inside I was unfulfilled. I was burning the candle at both ends and my health was deteriorating. I was trying to keep up with a character that I had created; someone who doesn’t look for validation from within but seeks it everywhere else and wants to be recognised and accepted by everyone. This people pleasing caused me unnecessary suffering and I burnt myself out.

From burnout to alcohol-free living. Image owned by author.

6 years ago, I decided to take a break from alcohol… It changed my life. My sleep improved, my stress and anxiety reduced, I gained mental clarity, focus and energy. My relationships improved and most importantly my relationship with myself improved.

Instead of using the weekends to drink and escape the life I had, I used them to build the life I always wanted. I started looking inwards and focussed on improving my health and fitness. I started running and went from the couch to 5km, to 10km, to half marathons, to marathons then ultra-marathons including a 80km mountain race with 13,000 ft of elevation.

Over a 4 year period I ran thousands of miles; roads, paths, deserts, trails, mountains, snow and ice. I studied and gained a degree, qualifying as a Registered Nutritional Therapist. I also built a successful business that helps others transform their health in order to improve their performance and live with inner peace, clarity and fulfilment.

50 mile (80km) Ultra Race in 2021. Image owned by author.

Today I am most fulfilled I have ever been. My goal in becoming a writer on medium is to share as much of my learnings, experience and wisdom with you all.

My writing topics will include:

  • Personal development
  • Life lessons
  • Stoicism
  • Health

If you want to learn how to be on your A-Game; how to improve your health, to improve your performance, how to become the person that you have always wanted to be and take your life to the next level then stick around. This is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter.

My wife, son and myself. Image owned by author.



Adam Mayhew
About Me Stories

Helping you stay on your A-Game. I write about health and self development. Executive Coach & Registered Nutritional Therapist mBANT