About Me — Addie Page

Unusual woman writing through midlife/mom life

Addie Page
About Me Stories


I’m a personal essayist, parent, and op-ed writer. I often have unusual opinions — informed by my experiences as the mother of a special needs kid, a rare INTJ female, and a breadwinner with a house husband— and I write about them here.

I also often do unusual things and write about why. For example:

Addie Page is a pen name, which I use because I have a day job I’d like to keep. (My bosses would not be pleased to find detailed information about my boobs online. Too many of our clients Google us.)

Why I write

I’m not here to sell you anything. As I noted above, I already have a job.

On Medium, my goal is just to carve out a little space for myself. Not just as a mom, not just as a consultant, but as a complete (and often contradictory) person, connecting with other people in a human way.

And I need that. Quite badly. The last few years have been hard. I’ve been more than tired. I struggled as a pandemic parent.



Addie Page
About Me Stories

Essayist. Parent. Unusual woman. Sign up here to be notified when I publish: https://addiepage.medium.com/subscribe