About Me- Afsha Ayaz

Afsha Ayaz
About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

My initial name is Afsha Ayaz. I was born on the 7th of November in Mumbai, India. Though Mumbai is my birthplace, I didn’t stay here for long; not more than the first 6 years of my life. My father had his job in Oman and he wanted me to get educated there, So the entire family moved to Oman. I had a good time living in Oman, I had many friends during the early duration of my life. I always like to socialize with people around me. It is truly said that your childhood friends are your real friends.

Photo by vikram on Unsplash- Mumbai

After a long time of living in Oman, we all had to return to India due to personal reasons. At first, I was not happy coming back and it was quite difficult to manage. I had been adapted to the environment of Oman. It was difficult to cope with the changes for the first few days. However, everything was better after a few weeks. I was admitted to a school in Mumbai and I was comfortable going there since the beginning of the year. Yes, during the first day itself! I made a friend, who is luckily still with me. Since that day, I am in the same school and I never would like to change it. One person whom I admire, is my class teacher. She is as sweet as sugar and as caring as a mother. We first met at the beginning of the new academic year, over the online setup. I only met her once personally and that was truly the happiest day of my life. She is not only my teacher but also a friend and a companion. My only wish is that she should remain my class teacher for all the coming years.

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

I do quite well in school and am the National level representative of my school. My hobbies include painting, bullet journaling, reading, writing, blogging, graphic designing and the list continues. I am always curious about everything I see, and I depend on my Imagination for my knowledge growth. I can fluently speak 4 languages- English, Hindi, Marathi, Arabic. I am gaining interest in learning Korean too but until now, I can hardly speak a few words. I am fascinated by rings, I have a huge collection of different rings of diverse styles. If you would like to have a look at those, do drop suggestions below so that I can create a post on my collection of rings. I love applying henna! I got the inspiration to learn henna from my mother. If you have read my previous article about the resolutions I need to accomplish by the end of the year, you must have had a look on my last resolution which states that I wish to become a pro at applying henna.


It was a sunny day during my summer vacation in the year, 2021. I had no work to do apart from completing my assignments. I had almost completed everything and was feeling bored. I complained about my boredom to my father and he suggested to me various ways by which I could engage myself in activities. I didn’t like any of his ideas. At last, he introduced to me a term that was very new to me. The term was “Blog”. I had no idea about this. He explained the basics of Blogging for the next 15 minutes. The first thing I did was I watched some YouTube videos for my reference. I revised the format for writing articles. Well, I know how to write articles but it had been long since I had written any. Next, I scrolled through websites on which I could publish my blog posts. I got many options but none of them satisfied me as much as Medium did. I started with the intention of earning money but I was surprised on finding that the Medium Partner Program pays only people from a few chosen countries. So, I decided to take Blogging just as a hobby. Anyway, I love Medium and its vast number of users. The community of Authors is very helpful. I love the way everyone help each other.

In the beginning, I had 4 posts published and no followers. I was quite disappointed with this. But later on, I found helpful articles to grow followers. I was very happy when I found that The Genius Cat was my first follower. I wish to thank him for making me happy for a moment. Since then, I got many followers and I am at 409 right now. My goal for this year is to reach 1k followers!

That’s it for myself! This was just a quick overview of my entire life till now, if I start typing all this in detail; maybe it will be an autobiography!




Afsha Ayaz
About Me Stories

I am a school student from Mumbai who is a passionate writer. Here to share my knowledge with the world!