About Me — Alejandro Balañá

Economics Enthusiast, Tech Lover, and Aspiring Storyteller

Alejandro Balañá
About Me Stories
3 min readAug 13, 2024


image owned by author

Who I Am:

Hello, Medium! My name is Alejandro, and I’m currently navigating the exciting (and sometimes challenging) world of university life as a student of Economics and Statistics in Spain.

My days are filled with numbers, data, and economic theories, but my true passion lies at the intersection of technology, artificial intelligence, and storytelling. This might sound like an odd mix, but it’s precisely this blend of interests that drives my writing.

Where It All Began:

My journey into writing didn’t start in a classroom or even behind a computer screen. It began during a late-night conversation with close friends.

We were sitting around a table, much like any other night, but as we talked, the usual chatter turned into something deeper. We realized that our shared experiences — those late-night talks, the small victories, the lessons learned from failures — were more than just fleeting moments.

They were stories worth telling. Stories that could inspire others, just as they had inspired us.

That night, I decided to start writing.

Where ideas turn into stories, and friendships spark inspiration — this is where my writing journey began

What I Write About:

On Medium, I write about a variety of topics that touch on different aspects of life and learning. Here’s a glimpse into what you can expect from my stories:

  • Health and Wealth: These are more than just buzzwords. I delve into how we can achieve balance in our lives, both physically and financially. Whether it’s through small lifestyle changes or understanding the economics of personal finance, I explore how to navigate these crucial areas.
  • Technology and AI: As someone deeply interested in the future, I often write about technology and artificial intelligence, discussing how they are reshaping our world. But it’s not just about the tech; it’s about how we, as individuals, can harness these tools to improve our productivity and live more fulfilling lives.
  • Productivity: Speaking of productivity, I’m always on the hunt for ways to optimize my time and energy. My stories share personal insights and tips on how to stay focused and achieve more, both in academic settings and in life in general.
  • Personal Reflections and Gossip: Sometimes, life doesn’t fit neatly into categories. That’s where my more personal stories come in. From lighthearted gossip to deep reflections on my own experiences, I enjoy connecting with readers on a more personal level. After all, these moments are what make life rich and worth sharing.

My Medium Goals:

My goal on Medium is simple: to connect with others through storytelling.

Whether it’s sharing a personal triumph, offering advice on productivity, or diving deep into the latest tech trends, I want to create content that resonates with readers.

I hope that my stories will not only inform but also inspire, helping others on their journeys, just as my late-night conversations with friends have inspired me.

Join Me on This Journey:

I’m excited to be part of this incredible community of writers, bloggers, and dreamers.

If anything in my stories resonates with you, I’d love to connect. Follow me on Medium to stay updated on my latest posts, and feel free to reach out in the comments or on social media.

Together, we can explore the intersections of health, wealth, technology, and everything in between.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story — I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you!



Alejandro Balañá
About Me Stories

Spanish student of Economics and Statistics with a passion for tech, AI, and personal growth. I write on health, wealth, gossip, and the power of productivity.