About Me — Alexandra Walker-Jones

Where are the peer-reviewed research papers when I need them the most?!

Alexandra Walker-Jones
About Me Stories


Picture provided by author (yours truly)

Hiya! My name is Alexandra Walker-Jones.

You know, people aren’t half kidding when they say it’s ridiculously difficult to write about oneself! Where to begin? What to include? And how to be first and foremost authentic when my job is usually to be creative?

“I am irritated by my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ear is true, but whose fingers refuse to reproduce precisely the sound he hears within.” — Gustave Flaubert

And then comes the question of the deeper stuff, like who I am? What do I value most in life? How did I get here? And what even is authentic? I swear, I can’t be the only one who feels as though the second they try to exact these answers, the more surreal and unfamiliar they become!

To help myself out a little bit (and trust me I do need it), I’m going to cheat and borrow some bits and pieces here and there from my own previous work. After all — and as every other writer could confirm — the best way to get to know me is to get to know my writing.



Alexandra Walker-Jones
About Me Stories

Content writer and published author in the plant-based health and wellness sphere. I’m just here to learn! awalkerjones.com