About Me, Alphabetically

An Adjunct To My “About Me” Story

Lynn L. Alexander
About Me Stories
4 min readJul 25, 2023


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

A- Apple- I own only Apple products. My brother first introduced me to these products. Then I had a job using Apple computers and fell in love with them. My brother bought me my first iPad. I have an iPhone, courtesy of my brother. Whenever he upgrades his phone, I get his old one.

B-Books- I love books. I collect books. I buy books even when I haven’t finished the books I already have. I only buy them second-hand on eBay.

C-Chocolate- I am a self-professed chocoholic. I have ice cream sundaes with dark chocolate ice cream and hot fudge. There is no such thing as too much chocolate.

D-Dolphins- I think dolphins are so cute. They look like they are always smiling. I remember watching Flipper as a kid.

E-Elephants- I adore elephants, especially baby elephants. They are absolutely adorable.

F-Flowers-Flowers are so very pretty. My favorite flowers are daisies and the Stargazer pink lily. The courtyard at my condo is very pretty when all the flowers are in bloom.

G-Garlic-Garlic is a favorite of mine. I love it sauteed in olive oil and also raw with olive oil. I use it mostly with steamed broccoli and spinach. Yum!

H-Horses-Horses are such majestic animals and I love watching them. They are so breathtaking.

I-Internet-I can get lost surfing the internet for hours if I don’t pay attention. It is amazing all of the information you can discover. You just have to make sure the sites are reputable.

J-Jewish Religion-For some reason, I have always been fascinated by the Jewish religion. I love their traditions. I would like to find a good book to read about this religion.

K-Kids-I adore children and babies. I don’t have enough of them in my life and am very sad about that.

L-Laughter-It is indeed true, that laughter is the best medicine. I love to laugh and have laughed with my mother and friends.

M-Mark-This is my brother’s name. I couldn’t ask for a better brother and my life is so enriched by having him for support. He helps me so much and I don’t know what I would do without him.

N-Nuts-I love nuts in both the fruit variety and the friend variety. Cashews are my favorite. I just found out this instant that nuts are considered fruits.

O-Ocean-The ocean is my happy place. I love the sound of the waves and the seagulls. My biggest dream is to someday live by the ocean.

P-Piano-I play the piano and I love it. It relieves my stress and brings me joy.

Q-Questions-I am a very inquisitive person and always ask many questions.

R-Rose-This is my mother’s name. She passed five years ago. She was the best mother and I miss her dearly. Both she and the flower are beyond compare.

S-Scrabble-When I was in high school my parents and I played Scrabble every single night after dinner. I love Scrabble and now play on my computer or a different version on Words with Friends.

T-Talking-I have the gift of gab and love talking to my friends and family. I also talk to strangers.

U-Uplifting-I am drawn to uplifting stories. There is so much depressing and tragic news and I would like for there to be more uplifting news.

V-Victor-This is my father’s name. He died when I was thirty. I like that the word victory has his name in it. I am a survivor of ovarian cancer and I believe that is a major victory.

W-Writing-I love to write and just started writing again last year. It has been very cathartic for me as well as very enjoyable.

X-Xanax-I suffer from anxiety at different times and Xanax has been a lifesaver for me.

Y-Yabba-dabba-doo-This expression of happiness is from the animated show, The Flintstones. Hearing this phrase brings me back to my childhood.

Z-Zucchini-I love this vegetable. My favorite recipe is slicing it, dunking it in whisked egg yolk, and frying it with breadcrumbs.

There you have it. The ABC’s of me. What are your ABC’s?

This story was inspired by ArtisKev N.

Autistic Widower (“AJ”), Pamela Oglesby,Harry Hogg, Brandon Ellrich, Paula Shablo, Jerry Dwyer, NancyO, Adrienne Beaumont, Dennett, Brett Jenae Tomlin, Katie Michaelson, Pat Romito LaPointe, Michael Rhodes, Karen Schwartz, Ruby Noir 😈, Denise Kendig, Lynn L. Alexander, , Adrian CDTPPW, Jennifer Dunne, Shanti C K, Randy Pulley



Lynn L. Alexander
About Me Stories

Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.