About Me — Amanda Bussman

Amanda Bussman
About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readDec 28, 2021


Ferry ride (September 2021)

Depending on my day and my mood I’m absolutely nothing special.

I’m just some 31-year-old female who can’t for the life of her figure out how to do this whole life thing. I have my good days and my bad, whatever have you.

Really, let’s get into this whole introduction thing.

Let me sum the past 31 years up.

Creative. Writer. Orphan. Hopeless. Dreamer. Selfish. Hopeful. Nerd.

None of those words seem to go together. They look as if they tell you very contradictory stories. I wish I could tell you that it was that simple. If I’m going to be completely honest and introduce myself, then I might as well give you every confusing aspect.

Hi there! Hello! I’m a walking mess and I’m going to break it down and explain it all to you.

I am the girl who’s dragged her feet and put up far too many roadblocks in the past 11 years. I’m a writer, I’m a comic book enthusiast, I’m above all a dreamer.

I grew up with two older sisters (12 and 14 years older). Sometimes I write my struggles with being the youngest child and losing my parents when I was 20 and 24. It’s been an endless battle for someone who was completely unprepared. I recently cut my oldest sister out of my life because after 7 years of living with her and her children the…



Amanda Bussman
About Me Stories

If you're looking for a writing coach and someone who is working through generational trauma, you've come to the right place. OH! I hope you like Taylor Swift!