About Me — Amanda S.

The Original Truth Seeker: Believing That If We Look for It, We Always Find It.

Amanda Stane
About Me Stories


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Hey there!

I am Amanda from Latvia. No, it is not in Russia nor it is Lithuania. We speak Latvian!

My home town is a cute, small coastal place. I grew up being surrounded by trees. I was a curious, creative and so called ‘’sensitive’’ soul who liked to build tree houses, play at the beach by selling potatoes made of sand and predict the weather by observing the clouds.

Growing up, my own family’s ups and downs sparked my curiosity about why we endure pain and choose tragic paths. I always felt strong faith towards my life and held my vision of something more beautiful.

In addition to asking and thinking about those existential questions, another obsession I had was thinking about foreign lands and travelling the world.

I was so in love with the idea of living abroad that after I turned 18 I packed my things and moved to the United Kingdom to obtain a business degree. However, as I settled in, I realized that the whole corporate thing is making me depressed and putting me in some weird boxes I strongly rejected.

I had the inner knowing that there must be a different path for me waiting.



Amanda Stane
About Me Stories

''The more you know, the more you realize you don't know'' - Aristotle