About Me — Ani Ghazaryan

542 naked words on my love-hate relationship with writing

Ani Ghazaryan
About Me Stories
3 min readJun 16, 2022


While I’m thinking about how to make this bio piece a worthy investment of your time, I promise to be brutally honest and occasionally awkward.

Back to the roots

Our paths crossed with writing artistry when I was at school. Little did I know that 10 years past, I’d come to earn a living writing in my third language.

It all goes back to being a writing major. I had a fairly drastic shift in life when switching to English and Communications after earning a Choreography and Performance degree at college. My choice was unexpected: To my family. My dance instructors who envisioned my future otherwise. Myself.

Going to university, I caught myself lost: as if it all went downhill from thereon. Not to appear hyperbolic but having 6–8 hours of daily professional training and then cutting it off all at once is like an addict quitting drug use in a day.

I could not have imagined what a lack of physical exercise could do to my body. I started with a painkiller a day. Then it went 2, 4, …, 8, up to a point when I’d swallow a handful on a daily basis. Freshman year and spinal pain were synonymous to me.

As a coping mechanism, I had to find something to ‘heal my withdrawal symptoms.’ Writing became my best bet. I do, in fact, believe writing heals… in so many ways. Though my writing habits are pretty much a pool of contradictions.

Why I write

This could be me showing my middle finger to my screen every time I open the laptop.

Image by George Milton: Pexels

Did I say mentally?

The problem with writing is writers are captives for life. I don’t know how to code, play an instrument, or cook, but most in my surroundings know how to read and write.

I, as someone who gets paid for what everyone else takes for granted, am trapped. Cause I speak roughly all the time. Even when silent on the surface.

I speak through your lips when you read my stories. I speak through the voices of those who read the publication I am contributing to.

When publishing a piece, writers are shooting it to the void and leaving it open to interpretation. And there’s so much more responsibility to owning your authorship and leveraging the power of your voice.

It’s been 5 years since I was in a love-hate relationship with the keyboard and if there’s one thing I can say about what makes writing such a pull-and-push pursuit for me is that sharing a piece of mine is giving you the power to destroy me but trusting you not to.

Cause you speak. Through my lips. Especially through my lips.

Then I choose to hate with love.

Here’s to all reckless people who write and our shared journey!

I’m really humbled if you’ve come this far. In days to come, I’ll be sharing my experience in content production, working with writers, and fun stuff.

If you’re interested in these topics, I’d very much appreciate your follow and investment in getting me into the Medium Partners Program. Much love and positive energy from my soul to yours:)

